蒙戈数据库 : select all the questions which has no user record and delete it

标签 mongodb




delete from questions where q.id not in( select q.id from questions q inner join users u on u.id = q.user_id);

我认为上面的查询在 mysql 中可以做到这一点,但我想在 mongodb 中做到这一点。

我是 mongodb 的新手,我知道查找聚合函数可以进行连接,但我不知道如何执行上述查询。


我相信您必须使用 $lookupaggregation 管道来获取用户不存在的所有问题,然后删除这些问题。


var pipeline = [{
        "$lookup": {    
            "from": "users",
            "localField": "user_id",
            "foreignField": "_id",
            "as": "user_id"    
    }, {
        "$match": {
            "user_id": {
                "$size": 0

var cursor = db.questions.aggregate(pipeline);
// create a map to get _id of all the question where user doesnt exist
var ids = cursor.map(function (doc) { return doc._id; });
// remove all those questions
db.questions.remove({"_id": { "$in": ids }});

关于蒙戈数据库 : select all the questions which has no user record and delete it,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62657217/


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