python - 如何将 ndarray 字符串列表转换为 float

标签 python string floating-point type-conversion numpy-ndarray

如何将包含字符串对象的 ndarray 列表映射到特定的 float ?例如,如果用户决定将 orange 映射到 1.0,将 grapefruit 映射到 2.0?

myList = [np.array([['orange'], ['orange'], ['grapefruit']], dtype=object), np.array([['orange'], ['grapefruit'], ['orange']], dtype=object)] 


convList = [np.array([['1.0'], ['1.0'], ['2.0']], dtype=float), np.array([['1.0'], ['2.0'], ['1.0']], dtype=float)]


def map_str_to_float(iterator):
    d = {}
    for ndarr in iterator:
        for string_ in ndarr:
            d[string_] = float(input('Enter your map for {}: '.format(string_)))
    return d

test = map_str_to_float(myList)


d[string_] = float(input('Enter your map for {}: '.format(string_)))
TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray'

我相信这是因为 string_ 的类型是 numpy 数组而不是字符串......


对于错误,调试时 string_ is an array ['orange'], cant be key ofdictionary

至于如何将字符串的ndarray列表转换为 float 我们使用索引,获取字符串的索引,并使用这些索引以相同的顺序打印所需的新索引。 基本上 np.array([1, 2])[0, 1, 0, 0] 将给出大小为 4 的新数组,其中条目按索引顺序排列。将应用相同的逻辑,这将跳过 python 中的字典映射。映射操作将通过 C 中的索引进行,因此应该很快。


import numpy as np

dataSet = np.array(['kevin', 'greg', 'george', 'kevin'], dtype='U21')

# Get all the unique strings, and their indices
# Values of indices are based on uniques ordering
uniques, indices = np.unique(dataSet, return_inverse=True)
# >>> uniques
# array(['george', 'greg', 'kevin'], dtype='<U21')
# >>> indices
# array([2, 1, 0, 2])
# Originial array
# >>> uniques[indices]
# array(['kevin', 'greg', 'george', 'kevin'], dtype='<U21')

new_indices = np.array([float(input()) for e in uniques])

# Get new indices indexed using original positions of unique strings in numpy array

# You can do the same for multi dimensional arrays

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