prolog - 如何扭转或构建对杰森(特工的话)的信念?

标签 prolog agent multi-agent




//Agent asker in project Test.mas2j
!translate(barks(dog)). //I would like to have the belief: dog(barks)
    T =.. [A,[B],C];
    .print("functor: ",A);
    .print("argument: ",B);
    //.print("source: ",C);
    +B(A);//<- I want something like this, but it gives a syntax error.
    +B. //<-this works, but it doesn't give the argument to it



T 一样构造术语:

X =.. [B,[A]]; // constructs the belief
+X; // adds the belief to the current belief base

摘自本书Programming Multi-Agent Systems in AgentSpeak using Jason :

One operator also available in Prolog that works slightly differently here (because of the predicate annotations not available in Prolog) is ‘=..’, which is used to deconstruct a literal into a list. The resulting list has the format [functor, list of arguments, list of annotations], for example: p(b,c)[a1,a2] =.. [p, [b,c], [a1,a2]].

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