c# - MongoDB C# 驱动程序 RunCommandAsync

标签 c# mongodb

我想跑 db.printReplicationInfo()来自 c# 驱动程序。

据我所知,我只能运行列出的命令 here使用 MongoDatabase.RunCommandAsync .为此,我有如下代码:

var command = new BsonDocumentCommand<BsonDocument>(new BsonDocument
    {"replSetGetStatus", 1}
var result = BsonSerializer.Deserialize<ReplicaSetStatus>(

这让我可以运行命令并将响应反序列化为 ReplicaSetStatus我们创建的对象。 (客户端是 MongoClient 的一个实例)。

我的问题是我可以使用 RunCommandAsync执行类似 db.printReplicationInfo() 的操作?命令会是什么样的?

如果没有,从 c# 运行这样的操作的最佳方法是什么?

看起来其他人有一个 similar question ,但没有得到任何有用的答案。



db.printReplicationInfo() 和 db.GetReplicationInfo() 是 MongoDb shell 函数,不能在 shell 外使用。

您可以在 mongo shell 中自己查看函数:

rs:PRIMARY> db.getReplicationInfo

function() {
    var localdb = this.getSiblingDB("local");

    var result = {};
    var oplog;
    var localCollections = localdb.getCollectionNames();
    if (localCollections.indexOf('oplog.rs') >= 0) {
        oplog = 'oplog.rs';
    } else {
        result.errmsg = "replication not detected";
        return result;

    var ol = localdb.getCollection(oplog);
    var ol_stats = ol.stats();
    if (ol_stats && ol_stats.maxSize) {
        result.logSizeMB = ol_stats.maxSize / (1024 * 1024);
    } else {
        result.errmsg = "Could not get stats for local." + oplog + " collection. " +
            "collstats returned: " + tojson(ol_stats);
        return result;

    result.usedMB = ol_stats.size / (1024 * 1024);
    result.usedMB = Math.ceil(result.usedMB * 100) / 100;

    var firstc = ol.find().sort({$natural: 1}).limit(1);
    var lastc = ol.find().sort({$natural: -1}).limit(1);
    if (!firstc.hasNext() || !lastc.hasNext()) {
        result.errmsg =
            "objects not found in local.oplog.$main -- is this a new and empty db instance?";
        result.oplogMainRowCount = ol.count();
        return result;

    var first = firstc.next();
    var last = lastc.next();
    var tfirst = first.ts;
    var tlast = last.ts;

    if (tfirst && tlast) {
        tfirst = DB.tsToSeconds(tfirst);
        tlast = DB.tsToSeconds(tlast);
        result.timeDiff = tlast - tfirst;
        result.timeDiffHours = Math.round(result.timeDiff / 36) / 100;
        result.tFirst = (new Date(tfirst * 1000)).toString();
        result.tLast = (new Date(tlast * 1000)).toString();
        result.now = Date();
    } else {
        result.errmsg = "ts element not found in oplog objects";

    return result;

rs:PRIMARY> db.printReplicationInfo

function() {
    var result = this.getReplicationInfo();
    if (result.errmsg) {
        var isMaster = this.isMaster();
        if (isMaster.arbiterOnly) {
            print("cannot provide replication status from an arbiter.");
        } else if (!isMaster.ismaster) {
            print("this is a slave, printing slave replication info.");
    print("configured oplog size:   " + result.logSizeMB + "MB");
    print("log length start to end: " + result.timeDiff + "secs (" + result.timeDiffHours + "hrs)");
    print("oplog first event time:  " + result.tFirst);
    print("oplog last event time:   " + result.tLast);
    print("now:                     " + result.now);

关于c# - MongoDB C# 驱动程序 RunCommandAsync,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33440956/


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