user-interface - 关于禁用或隐藏菜单项的规则

标签 user-interface standards





如果您指的是 Joel 的帖子 Don't hide or disable menu items , 他 clarified in the StackOverflow podcast他希望有信息 - 而不是对话框 - 告诉你为什么菜单项不会做任何事情:

So, the use-case I was thinking of was, you had mentioned that in the Windows Media Player, you can play things faster when you're listening to podcasts and so forth, and it'll speed them up. And when I looked in there, that was disabled. And I couldn't figure out how to enable it. And obviously the help file is no help--not that anybody reads help files, but even if you did you couldn't find the answer to that. And that was kind of frustrating, and I'd rather have that menu item be enabled and have it just tell me "I'm not going to do this right now because of the following reason. I refuse to do this."

关于user-interface - 关于禁用或隐藏菜单项的规则,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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