entity-framework-core - LINQ 表达式 'First()' 无法翻译,将在本地进行评估。使用 groupby 时

标签 entity-framework-core

升级到 ef core 3.0 后。我在对结果进行分组时遇到问题。

IQueryable<ShackGapiModel> models = _context.Offers
                .Where(i => i.Amount > 0)
                .Select(o => new ShackGapiModel
                    Id = o.Shack.Id,
                    Title = o.Shack.Title,
                    AmountOnExchange = o.Amount
                .GroupBy(i => i.Id)
                .Select(s => new ShackGapiModel
                    Id = s.First().Id,
                    Title = s.First().Title,
                    AmountOnExchange = s.Sum(a => a.AmountOnExchange)                   


原因是 EFCore 无法将您的 linq 查询转换为 sql 查询。因此,它将数据放入内存并在此之后应用您的 linq。这是非常消耗内存的事情。



If a query can't be fully translated, then either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or use AsEnumerable(), ToList(), or similar to explicitly bring data back to the client where it can then be further processed using LINQ-to-Objects.

作为替代方式,I prefer to use Max() , 取组键以外的值时。
IQueryable<ShackGapiModel> models = _context.Offers
                .Where(i => i.Amount > 0)
                .GroupBy(i => i.Id)
                .Select(s => new ShackGapiModel
                    Id = = s.Key.Value,
                    Title = s.Max(a => a.title),
                    AmountOnExchange = s.Sum(a => a.AmountOnExchange)                   

关于entity-framework-core - LINQ 表达式 'First()' 无法翻译,将在本地进行评估。使用 groupby 时,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58476969/


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