c# - Asp.net 核心标识 "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "

标签 c# asp.net-mvc asp.net-identity entity-framework-core seeding

我使用 ASP.NET CORE Identity 创建 ASP.NET CORE 应用程序。 我创建种子类来为首次启动应用程序保存新用户和角色。在这个种子类中,当我向用户添加角色时出现以下错误。

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_AspNetUserRoles_AspNetUsers_UserId". The conflict occurred in database "DB_A14695_Elvinm", table "dbo.AspNetUsers", column 'Id'. The statement has been terminated.


public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
    public int Type { get; set; }
    public int Flags { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime LastModifiedDate { get; set; }


 public class DbSeeder
    #region Private Members
    private RvMusicalDbContext DbContext;
    private RoleManager<IdentityRole> RoleManager;
    private UserManager<ApplicationUser> UserManager;
    #endregion Private Members

    #region Constructor
    public DbSeeder(RvMusicalDbContext dbContext, RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager, UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
        DbContext = dbContext;
        RoleManager = roleManager;
        UserManager = userManager;
    #endregion Constructor

    #region Public Methods
    public async Task SeedAsync()
        // Create the Db if it doesn’t exist
        // Create default Users
        if (await DbContext.Users.CountAsync() == 0) await CreateUsersAsync();
    #endregion Public Methods

    #region Seed Methods
    private async Task CreateUsersAsync()
        // local variables
        DateTime createdDate = new DateTime(2016, 03, 01, 12, 30, 00);
        DateTime lastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
        string role_Administrators = "Administrators";
        string role_Registered = "Registered";

        //Create Roles (if they doesn't exist yet)
        if (!await RoleManager.RoleExistsAsync(role_Administrators)) await RoleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role_Administrators));
        if (!await RoleManager.RoleExistsAsync(role_Registered)) await RoleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role_Registered));

        // Create the "Admin" ApplicationUser account (if it doesn't exist already)
        var user_Admin = new ApplicationUser()
            UserName = "Admin",
            Email = "admin@opengamelist.com",
            CreatedDate = createdDate,
            LastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate,
            Flags = 0,
            Type = 0

        // Insert "Admin" into the Database and also assign the "Administrator" role to him.
        if (await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(user_Admin.Id) == null)
            await UserManager.CreateAsync(user_Admin, "Pass4Admin");
            /// ERROR OCCURED HERE
            await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user_Admin, role_Administrators);
            // Remove Lockout and E-Mail confirmation.
            user_Admin.EmailConfirmed = true;
            user_Admin.LockoutEnabled = false;

    #endregion Seed Methods





在错误发生之前检查 UserManager.CreateAsync 调用的输出。我猜您的用户没有得到保留,所以下一次调用因 FK 问题而失败。


enter image description here

关于c# - Asp.net 核心标识 "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint ",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41280345/


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