iphone - glGenLists 和 iOS

标签 iphone opengl-es ios

可以在 iOS 上使用显示列表 (glGenLists) 吗?我正在为 iPhone 平台做一些 openGL ES,我想获得更多性能,所以我认为显示列表是个好主意。


我担心他们不是,至少不是 OpenGl ES specification 1.0

5.4 Display Lists

Display lists are not supported. Display lists are used by many applications—sometimes to achieve better performance and sometimes for convenience. The implementation complexity associated with display lists is too large for the implementation targets envisioned for this profile.

关于iphone - glGenLists 和 iOS,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3667473/


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