python - 如果有人输入一个整数,答案中应该有一个字符串,我应该使用哪种错误类型?

标签 python error-handling throw



    print "Welcome to my Quiz!"
    points = 0

    #Asks the user the first question and check to see if the answer is right and gives them a point if they are
    question1 = raw_input("Here's question #1! What is the name of Spongebob's pet?")

    if (question1.lower()) == "gary":
        print "You are correct!"
        points +=1
        print "You are wrong!"

    #Asks the user the second question and check to see if the answer is right and gives them a point if they are
    question2 = raw_input("Here's question #2! Whos is Spongebob's best friend?")

    if (question2.lower()) == "patrick":
        print "You are correct!"
        points +=1
        print "You are wrong!"

    #Asks the user the third question and check to see if the answer is right and gives them a point if they are
    question3 = raw_input("Here's question #3! Where does Spongebob work?")

    if (question3.lower()) == "krusty krab" or (question3.lower()) == "the krusty krab":
        print "You are correct!"
        points +=1
        print "You are wrong!"

    print "Thanks for playing my quiz! You got", points, "answers right out of 5! Nice job!"

except ValueError, errorvar:
    print errorvar

except NameError:
    print "Please enter a number for the correct variables, thanks"

    print "An error has occurred"


raw_input 始终返回str。因此,如果有人输入123,结果将是'123'(请注意引号)。


>>> (0).lower()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'lower'

关于python - 如果有人输入一个整数,答案中应该有一个字符串,我应该使用哪种错误类型?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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