java - Controller 级别的两个 try catch block

标签 java exception jersey try-catch throw

我有一个情况,我需要在 Controller 级别重复 try..catch block 。 让我提供此问题的示例代码:

List<String> loadedList =
engine.findSomething(param); //At this point we can obtain Exception, so this code block we should move to existing try block or create another.. but the problem if we move this to try block below, the WebApplicationException that throws in condition below will be catched in existing try block..

// if not found - return NOT_FOUND.
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(loadedList)) {;
    throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(errorMessage).type("text/plain").build()); //exception from Jersey lib

try {
    for (String item : loadedList) {
        //some business logic
        //I know that on controller layer we should avoid business logic but it is not my code and I can not change it..
    return Response.ok().build();

} catch (Exception e) {
    throw processException(e); //Helper method that avoids code duplication when preparing webException




您可以从 @ControllerAdvice 中受益并实现全局 Controller 异常处理程序。

public class GlobalExceptionHandler {

public String handleException(HttpServletRequest request, Exception ex){
    //handle error here
    return "error";

为了让 GlobalExceptionHandler 正常工作,异常必须从 Controller 中抛出。

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