gradle - 转换maven jar并将资源插件复制到gradle

标签 gradle gradle-plugin gradle-eclipse


                    junit, org.apache.logging.log4j, org.springframework, aopalliance,, javax.inject, 
                        org.hibernate, javax.el,, org.apache.commons, com.jcraft, com.sun.mail, 
                        org.apache.velocity, commons-lang, commons-logging, commons-collections, org.jboss.logging, 
                        org.jboss, org.javassist, dom4j, javax.transaction



Project structure

dependency-jars folder

conf folder

现在我用gradle jar任务尝试了以下内容
apply plugin: 'application' // implicitly apply java and distribution plugin
apply plugin: 'eclipse'

sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = sourceCompatibility
mainClassName = "com.softech.ls360.integration.BatchImport"
version = '1.0'

ext {
    log4jGroupId = "org.apache.logging.log4j"
    springFrameworkGroupId = "org.springframework"
    springFrameworkVersion = "4.2.4.RELEASE"
    junitVersion = "4.12"

dependencies {
    compile group: log4jGroupId, name: 'log4j-api', version: log4jVersion
    runtime group: 'org.jboss.logging', name: 'jboss-logging', version: jbossLoggingVersion
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: junitVersion

jar {

    // Keep jar clean:
    exclude '**/*.properties', '**/*.xml', '**/*.vm', '**/*.txt'

    //from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
    manifest { 
       attributes ('Implementation-Version': version,
           'Main-Class': "$mainClassName",
           'Class-Path': "conf/" + " " + configurations.runtime.files.collect {"dependency-jars/$" }.join(' ')

然后我得到了下面的 jar

enter image description here

它在jar中生成适当的类路径。但是build/libs/文件夹仅包含jar,其中没有dependency-jarsconf文件夹。我如何创建这些文件夹,所以当我运行任务jar时,它将在build/libs/文件夹中创建jar,还创建其中包含所有jar的dependency-jars文件夹。还有conf中的build/libs文件夹,以及.propeties, .xml, .vm, .txt文件夹中的所有src/main/resources/文件。




task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '2.10'

task copyJars(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.runtime
    into "$buildDir/libs/dependency-jars"

task copyConfigurationFiles(type: Copy) {
    description 'Copies the configurations files src/main/resources directory (from) to the target directory(into).'
    from "src/main/resources"
    into "$buildDir/libs/conf"
    include '**/*.properties', '**/*.xml', '**/*.vm', '**/*.txt'

task copyFiles(dependsOn: [copyJars, copyConfigurationFiles])

jar {

    dependsOn copyFiles

    // Keep jar clean:
    exclude '**/*.properties', '**/*.xml', '**/*.vm', '**/*.txt'

    manifest { 
        attributes ('Implementation-Version': version,
           'Main-Class': "$mainClassName",
           'Class-Path': "conf/" + " " + configurations.runtime.files.collect {"dependency-jars/$" }.join(' ')

之后,我只需运行任务jar。它创建了jar,以及其中包含所有jar的dependency-jars文件夹,以及其中包含所有配置文件的conf文件夹。就像我做maven install一样


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