android - build.gradle中的android.enableSeparateAnnotationProcessing设置标志

标签 android android-studio gradle android-gradle-plugin build.gradle

Android Studio中有一个新标记,它仍是试验性android.enableSeparateAnnotationProcessing。不幸的是,它在Mac上为我们产生了错误,但在Windows上却可以正常使用。




Google在Android Gradle plugin release notes中解释如下:

Improved incremental Java compilation when using annotation processors: This update decreases build time by improving support for incremental Java compilation when using annotation processors.

Note: This feature is compatible with Gradle 4.10.1 and higher, except Gradle 5.1 due to Gradle issue 8194.


For projects not using Kapt (Java-only projects): If the annotation processors you use all support incremental annotation processing, incremental Java compilation is enabled by default. To monitor incremental annotation processor adoption, watch Gradle issue 5277.

If, however, one or more annotation processors do not support incremental builds, incremental Java compilation is not enabled. Instead, you can include the following flag in your file:


When you include this flag, the Android Gradle plugin executes the annotation processors in a separate task and allows the Java compilation task to run incrementally.

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