c# - Exchange 2010 + Powershell 和 C# 从当前用户获取 PSCredential 时出现问题

标签 c# powershell credentials

我想通过 C# 使用 powershell 执行 Exchange 2010 操作。我可以建立连接,如下所示。我的问题:如何在不明确指定凭据的情况下创建连接?不能通过当前的windows用户身份来获取吗?

SecureString password = new SecureString();
string str_password = "pass";
string username = "userr";
string liveIdconnectionUri = "http://exchange.cccc.com  /Powershell?serializationLevel=Full";

foreach (char x in str_password)

PSCredential credential = new PSCredential(username, password);

// Set the connection Info
WSManConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo((new Uri(liveIdconnectionUri)), "http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/Microsoft.Exchange", credential);

connectionInfo.AuthenticationMechanism = AuthenticationMechanism.Default;



DefaultCredentials represents the system credentials for the current security context in which the application is running. For a client-side application, these are usually the Windows credentials (user name, password, and domain) of the user running the application.

此函数来自PoshCode.org script显示如何从 net cred 转换为 ps cred:

Function ConvertTo-PSCredential {
#   Helper function which converts a NetworkCredential to a PSCredential
   New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
              "$($Credential.UserName)@$($Credential.Domain)", `
              (ConvertTo-SecureString $Credential.Password -AsPlainText -Force)

请注意,原始 PoshCode 函数中有一些无关的、未使用的脚本,我已将其删除。

关于c# - Exchange 2010 + Powershell 和 C# 从当前用户获取 PSCredential 时出现问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4955689/


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