c# - C#模板化结构: Cannot implicitly convert

标签 c# compiler-errors type-conversion operator-overloading


public struct vector2D<T1>
    public T1 m_w;
    public T1 m_h;

    // Irrelevant stuff removed (constructor, other overloader's)

    public static bool operator !=(vector2D<T1> src, T1 dest)
        return (((dynamic)src.m_w != (dynamic)dest) || ((dynamic)src.m_h != (dynamic)dest));

    public static bool operator ==(vector2D<T1> src, T1 dest)
        return (((dynamic)src.m_w != (dynamic)dest) || ((dynamic)src.m_h != (dynamic)dest));

    public static bool operator !=(vector2D<T1> src, vector2D<T1> dest)
        return (((dynamic)src.m_w != (dynamic)dest.m_w) || ((dynamic)src.m_h != (dynamic)dest.m_h));

    public static bool operator ==(vector2D<T1> src, vector2D<T1> dest)
        return Equals(src, dest);

Error   1   Operator '!=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'vector2D<int>' and 'vector2D<uint>'
Error   2   Cannot implicitly convert type 'vector2D<uint>' to 'vector2D<int>'

vector2D<uint>[] Something = new vector2D<uint>[2]; // Pretend it has values...
Dictonary<uint, vector2D<int>> AnotherThing = new Dictonary<uint, vector2D<int>>(); // Pretend it has values...

if (AnotherThing[0] != Something[0] ) { ... }

AnotherThing[0] = Something[0];




您需要告诉编译器如何将类型'vector2D '转换为'vector2D '

public static implicit operator vector2D<T1>(vector2D<uint> src)
            return new vector2D<T1>
                    m_h = (T1)Convert.ChangeType(src.m_h, typeof(T1)),
                    m_w = (T1)Convert.ChangeType(src.m_w, typeof(T1)),

关于c# - C#模板化结构: Cannot implicitly convert,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27307934/


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