r - ggmap "dsk"速率限制

标签 r geolocation geocoding ggmap google-geocoding-api

我正在尝试使用 R 库 Ggmap 对向量进行地理定位。

location_google_10000 <- geocode(first10000_string, output = "latlon",
    source = "dsk", messaging = FALSE)

问题是我使用的是“dsk”——数据科学工具包 API——因此它没有像 Google 那样的速率限制(每天限制 2500 个坐标)。但是,当我尝试使用包含超过 2500 个的向量运行时,它会弹出以下消息:

Error: google restricts requests to 2500 requests a day for non-business use.

我尝试使用 1000 个地址的 dsk 运行代码,然后检查是否实际使用了 google 或 dsk api:

> geocodeQueryCheck()
2500 geocoding queries remaining.

由于某种原因,它不允许我使用超过 2500 的“dsk”,但我确信它没有使用 google。


我刚刚遇到了同样的问题并找到了你的帖子。我可以通过将 clientsignature 值设置为虚拟值来解决此问题,例如

geocode(myLocations, client = "123", signature = "123", output = 'latlon', source = 'dsk')


if (length(location) > 1) {
        if (userType == "free") {
            limit <- "2500"
        else if (userType == "business") {
            limit <- "100000"
        s <- paste("google restricts requests to", limit, "requests a day for non-business use.")
        if (length(location) > as.numeric(limit)) 
            stop(s, call. = F)

userType 在这部分代码的上面设置...

if (client != "" && signature != "") {
        if (substr(client, 1, 4) != "gme-") 
            client <- paste("gme-", client, sep = "")
        userType <- "business"
    else if (client == "" && signature != "") {
        stop("if signature argument is specified, client must be as well.", 
            call. = FALSE)
    else if (client != "" && signature == "") {
        stop("if client argument is specified, signature must be as well.", 
            call. = FALSE)
    else {
        userType <- "free"

因此,如果 clientsignature 参数为空,userType 将设置为“free”,进而将限制设置为 2,500。通过提供这些参数的值,您将被视为“企业”用户,限制为 100,000。如果假设用户使用“Google”而不是“dsk”作为源,那么这是一个很好的检查,但如果源是“dsk”并且可能应该被覆盖,则过于热心。头脑简单也许是这样的......

    if (source == "google") {
        if (client != "" && signature != "") {
                if (substr(client, 1, 4) != "gme-") 
                    client <- paste("gme-", client, sep = "")
                userType <- "business"
            else if (client == "" && signature != "") {
                stop("if signature argument is specified, client must be as well.", 
                    call. = FALSE)
            else if (client != "" && signature == "") {
                stop("if client argument is specified, signature must be as well.", 
                    call. = FALSE)
            else {
                userType <- "free"
    } else {
           userType <- "business"

如果为其他源规划了clientsignature 参数,这会导致问题。我将 ping 软件包作者。

关于r - ggmap "dsk"速率限制,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42282492/


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