haskell - 如何使 Parsec chainl1 函数遵循运算符优先级规则

标签 haskell parsec combinators

我正在编写标准数学符号 -> DC POSIX 兼容的格式转换器。它获取输入字符串,将其解析为中间数据类型,然后通过显示将其转换为输出字符串。

这是使用的数据类型。我对数据类型 -> 输出字符串转换没有任何问题,它工作得很好:

data Expression = Expression :+ Expression
                | Expression :- Expression
                | Expression :* Expression
                | Expression :/ Expression
                | Expression :^ Expression
                | Cons String

infixr 0 :+
infixr 0 :-
infixr 1 :*
infixr 1 :/
infixr 2 :^

instance Show Expression where
  show (x :+ y) = unwords [show x, show y, "+"]
  show (x :- y) = unwords [show x, show y, "-"] 
  show (x :* y) = unwords [show x, show y, "*"]
  show (x :/ y) = unwords [show x, show y, "/"]
  show (x :^ y) = unwords [show x, show y, "^"]
  show (Cons y) = y

但是,Parsec 解析器部分拒绝遵守定义的运算符优先级规则。显然是因为 chainl1subexpression 解析器定义中使用的方式:

expression :: Parser Expression
expression = do
  x <- subexpression
  spaces >> eof >> return x

subexpression :: Parser Expression
subexpression = (
    (bracketed subexpression) <|>
  ) `chainl1` (
    try addition              <|>
    try substraction          <|>
    try multiplication        <|>
    try division              <|>
    try exponentiation

addition       = operator '+' (:+)
substraction   = operator '-' (:-)
multiplication = operator '*' (:*)
division       = operator '/' (:/)
exponentiation = operator '^' (:^)

operator :: Char -> (a -> a -> a) -> Parser (a -> a -> a)
operator c op = do
  spaces >> char c >> spaces
  return op

bracketed :: Parser a -> Parser a
bracketed parser = do
  char '('
  x <- parser
  char ')'
  return x

constant :: Parser Expression
constant = do
  parity <- optionMaybe $ oneOf "-+"
  constant <- many1 (digit <|> char '.')
  return (if parity == Just '-'
    then (Cons $ '_':constant)
    else  Cons       constant)



好吧,您不需要重写您的整个代码,但是由于您的子表达式 解析器根本没有考虑优先级,您必须重写- 实质上。


atom :: Parser Expression
atom = bracketed subexpression <|> constant

-- highest precedence operator is exponentiation, usually that's
-- right-associative, hence I use chainr1 here
powers :: Parser Expression
powers = atom `chainr1` try exponentiation

-- a multiplicative expression is a product or quotient of powers,
-- left-associative
multis :: Parser Expression
multis = powers `chainl1` (try multiplication <|> try division)

-- a subexpression is a sum (or difference) of multiplicative expressions
subexpression :: Parser Expression
subexpression = multis `chainl1` (try addition <|> try substraction)

另一种选择是让库处理优先级和关联性并使用 Text.Parsec.Expr , 即 buildExpressionParser :

table = [ [binary "^" (:^) AssocRight]
        , [binary "*" (:*) AssocLeft, binary "/" (:/) AssocLeft]
        , [binary "+" (:+) AssocLeft, binary "-" (:-) AssocLeft]

binary  name fun assoc = Infix (do{ string name; spaces; return fun }) assoc

subexpression = buildExpressionParser table atom

(这要求方括号解析器常量 消耗已用标记后的空格)。

关于haskell - 如何使 Parsec chainl1 函数遵循运算符优先级规则,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16367150/


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