haskell - 创建完全依赖的串联

标签 haskell typeclass functional-dependencies type-level-computation


a ++ b = c


我想在我自己的 concat 中捕捉到这个想法,所以我使用了函数依赖。
{-# Language DataKinds, GADTs, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, KindSignatures, PolyKinds, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Kind (Type)

class Concatable
   (m  :: k -> Type)
   (as :: k)
   (bs :: k)
   (cs :: k)
   | as bs -> cs
   , as cs -> bs
   , bs cs -> as
     concat' :: m as -> m bs -> m cs

data HList ( as :: [ Type ] ) where
  HEmpty :: HList '[]
  HCons  :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)

但是当我尝试将这些声明为 Concatable我有一个问题
instance Concatable HList '[] bs bs where
  concat' HEmpty bs = bs
  ( Concatable HList as bs cs
    => Concatable HList (a ': as) bs (a ': cs)
    concat' (HCons head tail) bs = HCons head (concat' tail bs)

这是因为编译器认为在我们的第二个实例中,bs ~ (a ': cs) 可能是这种情况。 .如果 Concatable as (a ': cs) cs 可能是这种情况.



所以,正如评论所暗示的,GHC 不会自己解决它,但我们可以通过一些类型级编程来帮助它。介绍一些TypeFamilies .所有这些函数都是将列表操作提升到类型级别的非常简单的翻译:

-- | This will produce the suffix of `cs` without `as`
type family DropPrefix (as :: [Type]) (cs :: [Type]) where
  DropPrefix '[] cs = cs
  DropPrefix (a ': as) (a ': cs) = DropPrefix as cs

-- Similar to the logic in the question itself: list concatenation. 
type family Concat (as :: [Type]) (bs :: [Type]) where
  Concat '[] bs = bs
  Concat (head ': tail) bs = head ': Concat tail bs

-- | Naive list reversal with help of concatenation.
type family Reverse (xs :: [Type]) where
  Reverse '[] = '[]
  Reverse (x ': xs) = Concat (Reverse xs) '[x]

-- | This will produce the prefix of `cs` without `bs`
type family DropSuffix (bs :: [Type]) (cs :: [Type]) where
  DropSuffix bs cs = Reverse (DropPrefix (Reverse bs) (Reverse cs))

-- | Same definition of `HList` as in the question
data HList (as :: [Type]) where
  HEmpty :: HList '[]
  HCons :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)

-- | Definition of concatenation at the value level
concatHList :: (cs ~ Concat as bs) => HList as -> HList bs -> HList cs
concatHList HEmpty bs = bs
concatHList (HCons head tail) bs = HCons head (concatHList tail bs)

  • 推理能力cs来自 asbs
  • 推理能力as来自 bscs
  • 推理能力bs来自 ascs

  • 瞧:

    concatH ::
         (cs ~ Concat as bs, bs ~ DropPrefix as cs, as ~ DropSuffix bs cs)
      => HList as
      -> HList bs
      -> HList cs
    concatH = concatHList

    foo :: HList '[Char, Bool]
    foo = HCons 'a' (HCons True HEmpty)
    bar :: HList '[Int]
    bar = HCons (1 :: Int) HEmpty

    λ> :t concatH foo bar
    concatH foo bar :: HList '[Char, Bool, Int]
    λ> :t concatH bar foo
    concatH bar foo :: HList '[Int, Char, Bool]


    class Concatable (m :: k -> Type) (as :: k) (bs :: k) (cs :: k)
      | as bs -> cs
      , as cs -> bs
      , bs cs -> as
      concat' :: m as -> m bs -> m cs
    instance (cs ~ Concat as bs, bs ~ DropPrefix as cs, as ~ DropSuffix bs cs) =>
             Concatable HList as bs cs where
      concat' = concatH

    λ> :t concat' HEmpty bar
    concat' HEmpty bar :: HList '[Int]
    λ> :t concat' foo bar
    concat' foo bar :: HList '[Char, Bool, Int]
    λ> :t concat' bar foo
    concat' bar foo :: HList '[Int, Char, Bool]

    关于haskell - 创建完全依赖的串联,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59495874/


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