- 单元测试 WebApi2 传递 header 值

标签 moq xunit

我正在使用 WebApi2 开发一个项目。在我的测试项目中,我使用了 Moq 和 XUnit。

到目前为止,测试 api 非常简单,可以像 GET 一样

    public void GetCustomer()
        var id = 2;

        _customerMock.Setup(c => c.FindSingle(id))
            .Single(cust => cust.Id == id));

        var result = new CustomersController(_customerMock.Object).Get(id);

        var negotiatedResult = result as OkContentActionResult<Customer>;

现在我要处理一些复杂的事情,我需要从请求 header 中访问值。

我通过扩展 IHttpActionResult 创建了我自己的 Ok() 结果

   public OkContentActionResult(T content,HttpRequestMessage request)
        _request = request;
        _content = content;

这让我有一个小助手可以从请求中读取 header 值。

 public virtual IHttpActionResult Post(Customer customer)
        var header = RequestHeader.GetHeaderValue("customerId", this.Request);

        if (header != "1234")


我花了大约一个小时的时间寻找一个允许我使用 webapi 执行此操作的示例,但我似乎找不到任何东西。

到目前为止.....我很确定它对 api 是错误的,但我有

      // arrange
        var context = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
        var request = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
        var headers = new NameValueCollection
            { "customerId", "111111" }
        request.Setup(x => x.Headers).Returns(headers);
        request.Setup(x => x.HttpMethod).Returns("GET");
        request.Setup(x => x.Url).Returns(new Uri(""));
        request.Setup(x => x.RawUrl).Returns("/foo");
        context.Setup(x => x.Request).Returns(request.Object);
        var controller = new Mock<ControllerBase>();
        _customerController = new CustomerController()
            //  Request = request,


我不太确定接下来需要做什么,因为我过去不需要设置模拟 HttpRequestBase。




我认为您应该避免读取 Controller 中的 header ,以便更好地分离关注点(您不需要从 Controller 中的请求主体读取客户,对吗?)和可测试性。

我将如何创建一个 CustomerId 类(这是可选的。请参阅下面的注释)和 CustomerIdParameterBinding

public class CustomerId
    public string Value { get; set; }

public class CustomerIdParameterBinding : HttpParameterBinding
    public CustomerIdParameterBinding(HttpParameterDescriptor parameter) 
    : base(parameter)

    public override Task ExecuteBindingAsync(ModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider, HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        actionContext.ActionArguments[Descriptor.ParameterName] = new CustomerId { Value = GetIdOrNull(actionContext) };
        return Task.FromResult(0);

    private string GetIdOrNull(HttpActionContext actionContext)
        IEnumerable<string> idValues;
        if(actionContext.Request.Headers.TryGetValues("customerId", out idValues))
            return idValues.First();
        return null;

编写 CustomerIdParameterBinding

config.ParameterBindingRules.Add(p =>
    return p.ParameterType == typeof(CustomerId) ? new CustomerIdParameterBinding(p) : null;

然后在我的 Controller 中

public void Post(CustomerId id, Customer customer)


public void TestMethod()
    var parameterName = "TestParam";
    var expectedCustomerIdValue = "Yehey!";

    var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "http://localhost/someUri");
    requestMessage.Headers.Add("customerId", expectedCustomerIdValue );

    var httpActionContext = new HttpActionContext
        ControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext
            Request = requestMessage

    var stubParameterDescriptor = new Mock<HttpParameterDescriptor>();
    stubParameterDescriptor.SetupGet(i => i.ParameterName).Returns(parameterName);

    var customerIdParameterBinding = new CustomerIdParameterBinding(stubParameterDescriptor.Object);
    customerIdParameterBinding.ExecuteBindingAsync(null, httpActionContext, (new CancellationTokenSource()).Token).Wait();

    //Assert here
    //httpActionContext.ActionArguments[parameterName] contains the CustomerId

注意:如果您不想创建 CustomerId 类,您可以使用自定义 ParameterBindingAttribute 注释您的参数。像这样

public void Post([CustomerId] string customerId, Customer customer)

See here on how to create a ParameterBindingAttribute

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