- 填充 IConfiguration 以进行单元测试

标签 .net-core xunit .net-core-2.2

.NET Core 配置允许使用很多选项来添加值(环境变量、json 文件、命令行参数)。


我正在为配置的扩展方法编写单元测试,我认为通过代码将其填充到单元测试中比为每个测试加载专用的 json 文件更容易。


public void Test_IsConfigured_Positive()

  // test against this configuration
  IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    // how to populate it via code

  // the extension method to test



一个特殊情况是“空部分”,在 json 中看起来像这样。

  "MySection": {
     // the existence of the section activates something triggering IsConfigured to be true but does not overwrite any default value


正如 Matthew 在评论中指出的那样,json 中包含空部分与根本没有该部分的结果相同。我提炼了一个例子,是的,就是这样。我错误地期待着不同的行为。


我正在为 IConfiguration 的 2 个扩展方法编写单元测试(实际上是因为 Get...Settings 方法中的值绑定(bind)由于某种原因不起作用(但那是另一个主题)。它们看起来像这样:

public static bool IsService1Configured(this IConfiguration configuration)
  return configuration.GetSection("Service1").Exists();

public static MyService1Settings GetService1Settings(this IConfiguration configuration)
  if (!configuration.IsService1Configured()) return null;

  MyService1Settings settings = new MyService1Settings();
  configuration.Bind("Service1", settings);

  return settings;

我的误解是,如果我在应用程序设置中放置一个空部分,IsService1Configured() 方法将返回 true (现在这显然是错误的)。我期望的不同之处在于,现在 GetService1Settings() 方法返回 null 为空部分,而不是像我期望的那样返回具有所有默认值的 MyService1Settings .







  • 在 Visual Studio 中从模板创建一个名为 WebApplication1 的新 API(无需 HTTPS 和身份验证)
  • 删除 Startup 类和 appsettings.Development.json
  • 将 Program.cs 中的代码替换为以下代码
  • 现在,在 appsettings.json 中,您可以通过添加/删除 Service1Service2 部分来激活/停用服务
using Microsoft.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;

namespace WebApplication1

  public class MyService1Settings
  public int? Value1 { get; set; }
  public int Value2 { get; set; }
  public int Value3 { get; set; } = -1;

  public static class Service1Extensions

  public static bool IsService1Configured(this IConfiguration configuration)
  return configuration.GetSection("Service1").Exists();

  public static MyService1Settings GetService1Settings(this IConfiguration configuration)
  if (!configuration.IsService1Configured()) return null;

  MyService1Settings settings = new MyService1Settings();
  configuration.Bind("Service1", settings);

  return settings;

  public static IServiceCollection AddService1(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration, ILogger logger)

  MyService1Settings settings = configuration.GetService1Settings();

  if (settings == null) throw new Exception("loaded MyService1Settings are null (did you forget to check IsConfigured in Startup.ConfigureServices?) ");

  logger.LogAsJson(settings, "MyServiceSettings1: ");

  // do what ever needs to be done

  return services;

  public static IApplicationBuilder UseService1(this IApplicationBuilder app, IConfiguration configuration, ILogger logger)

  // do what ever needs to be done

  return app;


  public class Program

    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
        builder => 

    public class Startup

      public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
      public ILogger<Startup> Logger { get; }

      public Startup(IConfiguration configuration, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
      Configuration = configuration;
      Logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Startup>();

      // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
      public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

      // flavour 1: needs check(s) in Startup method(s) or will raise an exception
      if (Configuration.IsService1Configured()) {
      Logger.LogInformation("service 1 is activated and added");
      services.AddService1(Configuration, Logger);
      } else 
      Logger.LogInformation("service 1 is deactivated and not added");

      // flavour 2: checks are done in the extension methods and no Startup cluttering
      services.AddOptionalService2(Configuration, Logger);


    // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

      if (env.IsDevelopment()) app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();

      // flavour 1: needs check(s) in Startup method(s) or will raise an exception
      if (Configuration.IsService1Configured()) {
        Logger.LogInformation("service 1 is activated and used");
        app.UseService1(Configuration, Logger); }
        Logger.LogInformation("service 1 is deactivated and not used");

      // flavour 2: checks are done in the extension methods and no Startup cluttering
      app.UseOptionalService2(Configuration, Logger);


  public class MyService2Settings
    public int? Value1 { get; set; }
    public int Value2 { get; set; }
    public int Value3 { get; set; } = -1;

  public static class Service2Extensions

  public static bool IsService2Configured(this IConfiguration configuration)
    return configuration.GetSection("Service2").Exists();

  public static MyService2Settings GetService2Settings(this IConfiguration configuration)
    if (!configuration.IsService2Configured()) return null;

    MyService2Settings settings = new MyService2Settings();
    configuration.Bind("Service2", settings);

    return settings;

  public static IServiceCollection AddOptionalService2(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration, ILogger logger)

    if (!configuration.IsService2Configured())
      logger.LogInformation("service 2 is deactivated and not added");
      return services;

    logger.LogInformation("service 2 is activated and added");

    MyService2Settings settings = configuration.GetService2Settings();
    if (settings == null) throw new Exception("some settings loading bug occured");

    logger.LogAsJson(settings, "MyService2Settings: ");
    // do what ever needs to be done
    return services;

  public static IApplicationBuilder UseOptionalService2(this IApplicationBuilder app, IConfiguration configuration, ILogger logger)

    if (!configuration.IsService2Configured())
      logger.LogInformation("service 2 is deactivated and not used");
      return app;

    logger.LogInformation("service 2 is activated and used");
    // do what ever needs to be done
    return app;

  public static class LoggerExtensions
    public static void LogAsJson(this ILogger logger, object obj, string prefix = null)
      logger.LogInformation(prefix ?? string.Empty) + ((obj == null) ? "null" : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented)));




using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

var myConfiguration = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"Key1", "Value1"},
    {"Nested:Key1", "NestedValue1"},
    {"Nested:Key2", "NestedValue2"}

var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

等效的 JSON 为:

  "Key1": "Value1",
  "Nested": {
    "Key1": "NestedValue1",
    "Key2": "NestedValue2"




dotnet myapp.dll \
  -- \
  --Key1=Value1 \
  --Nested:Key1=NestedValue1 \

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