dictionary - 在自定义类型中使用迭代器属性

标签 dictionary go iterator reverse golang-migrate

我正在编写 Go 代码,其中我使用基本映射 [string] int 创建了一个类型,我需要创建一个返回映射、反转键和值的方法。我开始编写代码,但我无法迭代我创建的类型。


package constants

type Month map[string]int;

// LongMonth is a relationship with string and date value (int)
var LongMonth = Month{
    "June": 6,
    "July": 7,
    "August": 8,
    "September": 9,
    "Octuber": 10,
    "Novenber": 11,
    "Decenber": 12,

// ShortMonth is a relationship with a resume string and date value (int)
var ShortMonth = Month{
    "Jun": 6,
    "Jul": 7,
    "Aug": 8,
    "Sep": 9,
    "Oct": 10,
    "Nov": 11,
    "Dec": 12,

func (m* Month) Reverse() map[int]string {
    for k, v := range m {
        n[v] = k
    return n
// LongMonthReverse is a relationship with string and date value (int)
// var LongMonthReverse = reverseMonth(LongMonth);
// ShortMonthReverse is a relationship with string and date value (int)
// var ShortMonthReverse = reverseMonth(ShortMonth);

我需要函数 Reverse 返回反向 emonth。例如:month = {"Jan": 1..."Dec": 12} 和 month.Reverse() 返回 {1:"Jan"....12:"Dec"}


您不能迭代指针或者更改 func (m* Month) Reverse() map[int]string 的方法接口(interface)至func (m Month) Reverse() map[int]string或者您需要使用 *m Reverse() 内部

package main

import "fmt"

type Month map[string]int

// LongMonth is a relationship with string and date value (int)
var LongMonth = Month{
    "June": 6,
    "July": 7,
    "August": 8,
    "September": 9,
    "Octuber": 10,
    "Novenber": 11,
    "Decenber": 12,

// ShortMonth is a relationship with a resume string and date value (int)
var ShortMonth = Month{
    "Jun": 6,
    "Jul": 7,
    "Aug": 8,
    "Sep": 9,
    "Oct": 10,
    "Nov": 11,
    "Dec": 12,

func (m* Month) Reverse() map[int]string {
    // this is the fix
    for k, v := range *m {
        n[v] = k
    return n

func main() {

关于dictionary - 在自定义类型中使用迭代器属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59593254/


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