go - 我如何等待接收器 channel 完成它在golang中的执行?

标签 go goroutine


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

baseChan := make(chan int)
go func(bCh chan int){
for {
    case stats, _ := <- bCh:
    fmt.Println("base stats", stats)

second := make(chan int)
go func (sCh chan int) {
fmt.Println("second channel")
for {
select {
case stats, _ := <- sCh:
    fmt.Println("seconds stats", stats)
    baseChan <- stats

func runLoop(second chan int) {
 for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
fmt.Println("writing i", i)
    second <- i

writing i 0
second channel
seconds stats 0

base stats 0
writing i 1
writing i 2

seconds stats 1
seconds stats 2

writing i 0
seconds stats 0
base stats 0

writing i 1
seconds stats 1
base stats 1

writing i 2
seconds stats 2
base stats 2



func middle(in, out chan int, inAck, outAck chan struct{}) {
    defer close(out)
    for value := range in {
        fmt.Println("middle got", value)
        out <- value // send
        fmt.Println("middle now waiting for ack from final")
        <-outAck            // wait for our consumer
        inAck <- struct{}{} // allow our producer to continue

简而言之,这是愚蠢的。强制生产者等待直到消费者完成使用 channel 是没有道理的,因为如果我们要让生产者等待,我们只需编写:

for ... {
    produced_value = producerStep()

其中producerStep()产生下一个值,而完全不使用 channel 。

仍然是here is the complete stepping program on the Go playground

关于go - 我如何等待接收器 channel 完成它在golang中的执行?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61969749/


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