go - 不能将 type chan []string) 用作 type []chan string?

标签 go channel goroutine

package main

import "fmt"

func x(foo []string, cz chan string) {
    for i := range foo {
        cz <- foo[i]

func y(foo []string, cz chan string) {
    for i := range foo {
        cz <- foo[i]

type cz struct {
    cSlice []chan string

func main() {

    var quality []string = make([]string, 2)
    quality[0] = "hello"
    quality[1] = "world"
    //name := []string{"mother", "earth"}

    var channel cz

    for i := range channel.cSlice {
        go x(quality, channel.cSlice[i])
        go y(quality, channel.cSlice[i])
        x, y := <-channel.cSlice[i], <-channel.cSlice[i]
        fmt.Println(x, y)





我真的不敢相信。 fdsaf asf asfasdfdasfadfd


cannot use channel.cSlice (type chan []string) as type []chan string in argument to x
cannot use channel.cSlice (type chan []string) as type []chan string in argument to y


输入chan []string

输入 []chan 字符串


Playground :https://play.golang.org/p/CKhj8DUGTle

关于go - 不能将 type chan []string) 用作 type []chan string?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54048930/


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