jira - 如何允许特定组权限在 JIRA 中进行项目

标签 jira

我是 JIRA 新手。 我有多个客户,我希望只读访问他们自己的某些项目。 (例如客户 X 只能访问项目 Y) 其余的,我不想让他们看到。 此外,我希望开发人员拥有读/写权限。





仅向他们提供浏览权限,除此之外别无其他。 最好是使用项目角色来执行此操作,这样您就不需要为每个项目制定特定的权限方案。

- Create a role 'Customer'
- Create a permission scheme 'Customer Project Permission scheme'
- Configure the permission scheme such that
    - The customer role has browse permissions
    - The developer role has all other (applicable) permissions 
        such as edit, move ...
- Link the permission scheme to a project
- Configure the project such that 
    - the userid(s) of your customer(s) appear as a member 
         of the project role 'customer'.
    - the userid(s) of your developer(s) appear as a member 
         of the project role 'developers'

检查 http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Managing+Project+Roles Atlassian 的人比我更能解释这些东西。



关于jira - 如何允许特定组权限在 JIRA 中进行项目,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5458725/


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