common-lisp - Lisp Webtales 第 5 章 - 如何让它工作

标签 common-lisp web-frameworks

继我的解决方案之后,将第 4 章中的代码用作 here , 我需要一些帮助调试 lisp webtales 第 5 章中的应用程序“linkdemo” .


CCL如果我发出 (ql:quickload "linkdemo")我明白了:

CCL is free software.  It is distributed under the terms of the Apache
Licence, Version 2.0.
? (ql:quickload "linkdemo")
To load "linkdemo":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "linkdemo"
;;; Checking for wide character support... yes, using code points.
;;; Checking for wide character support... yes, using code points.
;;; Building Closure with CHARACTER RUNES
> Error: The value NIL is not of the expected type STRING.
> While executing: ENSURE-SIMPLE-STRING, in process listener(1).
> Type :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
> Type :? for other options.
1 > 

如果我输入 :R我明白了:

1 > :R
>   Type (:C <n>) to invoke one of the following restarts:
0. Return to break level 1.
2. Retry compiling #P"/Users/m/quicklisp/local-projects/linkdemo/defmodule.lisp"
3. Skip compiling #P"/Users/m/quicklisp/local-projects/linkdemo/defmodule.lisp"
4. Retry compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "linkdemo" "defmodule">.
5. Continue, treating compiling #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "linkdemo" "defmodule"> as having been successful.
6. Retry ASDF operation.
7. Retry ASDF operation after resetting the configuration.
8. Give up on "linkdemo"
9. Return to toplevel.
11. Reset this thread
12. Kill this thread
1 > 

我从中推断出错误在 defmodule.lisp .

然后,我发现如果我注释掉 defmodule.lisp 中的以下整个 block :

(restas:define-policy datastore
  (:interface-package #:linkdemo.policy.datastore)
  (:interface-method-template "DATASTORE-~A")
  (:internal-package #:linkdemo.datastore)

  (define-method init ()                                    
    "Initiate the datastore")

  (define-method find-user (username)                       
    "Find the user by username")

  (define-method auth-user (username password)
    "Check if a user exists and has the supplied password")

  (define-method register-user (username password)
    "Register a new user")

  (define-method upvoted-p (link-id username)
    "Check if a user has upvoted a link")

  (define-method upvote (link-id user)
    "Upvote a link")

  (define-method post-link (url title user)
    "Post a new link")

  (define-method get-all-links (&optional user)
    "Get all of the links in the datastore")

  (define-method upvote-count (link-id)
    "Get the number of upvotes for a given link"))

然后重新发布(ql:quickload "linkdemo") ,我没有错误。


无论我是否快速加载了上面有问题的部分,我都可以在 pg-datastore.lisp 中探索一个功能。 ,像这样:

1 > ( "42")
(:PASSWORD-HASH "71a8c8f54475acb5afee9eae061fa5f7ba838215f280259855e59a7c0ac768f8" :SALT "a283c5328f67c36595dd7277c54342f3")

似乎还不能尝试启动服务器,因为需要第 6 章中的代码才能完全发挥作用(我们还没有路由,只有带有 postmodern 的 DAO 层)。

所以不知道如何继续测试第 5 章中的代码/调试这个。


只需执行 (ql:quickload "restas") 即可重现该错误。然后评估上面给出的 block 。这给出了 Error: The value NIL is not of the expected type STRING.我不熟悉在 LISP 中使用其他人的代码,所以我对如何进行有点困惑。

更多信息 :这是对 define-method 的调用给出这个错误,源是文件policy.lisp here ,目前这有点超出我的理解。


* (ql:quickload "linkdemo")
To load "linkdemo":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "linkdemo"
;;; Checking for wide character support... WARNING: Lisp implementation doesn't use UTF-16, but accepts surrogate code points.
 yes, using code points.
;;; Building Closure with CHARACTER RUNES
debugger invoked on a SB-KERNEL:CASE-FAILURE in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {10004F04C3}>:
  NIL fell through ETYPECASE expression.





(restas:define-policy datastore
  (:interface-package #:linkdemo.policy.datastore)
  (:interface-method-template "DATASTORE-~A")
  (:internal-package #:linkdemo.datastore)
  (define-method init ()                                    
    "Initiate the datastore"))

这里的问题是,当您展开上述宏时,您会获得对 RESTAS::%DEFINE-POLICY 的函数调用。在哪里 :INTERNAL-FUNCTION-TEMPLATE给出 NIL ,这不是适当的格式字符串。这是因为 define-policy 的方式宏解析选项。

(defun my-function (&key (x 0))
  (print x))
MY-FUNCTION :x 的默认值为 0 .如果您调用(my-function) ,它打印 0。但宏执行如下操作:
(defmacro my-macro (args)
  (let ((x-arg))
    (loop for (k v) in args 
       do (case k (:x (setf x-arg v))))
    `(my-function :x ,x-arg)))

它遍历参数列表以检查 :x 的某些关键字是否参数存在,然后将一个局部变量(初始化为 nil)设置为相应的值。
在所有情况下,它都会扩展为对 my-function 的调用。并显式绑定(bind) x值为 x-arg ,即使它为零。事实上,如果我们宏展开 (my-macro ()) , 如果给出 (my-function :x nil) .

由于函数已经定义了默认值,我们希望避免在其他地方重复这个默认值,所以宏应该注意不要给出 :x当其对应的值为 nil 时。或者更准确地说,当关键字参数不存在时(这里我不区分两种情况)。通常,这样做如下:
(defmacro my-macro (args)
  (flet ((maybe (k v) (and v (list k v))))
    (let ((x-arg))
      (loop for (k v) in args do (case k (:x (setf x-arg v))))
      `(my-function ,@(maybe :x x-arg)))))
,@拼接运算符用于根据值是否为 nil 将关键字参数注入(inject)到调用中。为 nil 时,拼接空列表。否则,属性列表 (list k v)是拼接的。因此,调用 (my-macro ())现在扩展为 (my-function) ,因此 x将采用其默认值。

这没有经过很好的测试,但我想你可以重新定义 define-policy 如下:
(defmacro define-policy (name &body body)
  (let (methods
        internal-package  internal-function-template
        interface-package interface-method-template)
    (iter (for item in body)
          (case (car item)
             (setf internal-package (second item)))
             (setf internal-function-template (second item)))
             (setf interface-package (second item)))
             (setf interface-method-template (second item)))
               ((string= (car item) "DEFINE-METHOD")
                (push (cdr item) methods))
                (error "Unknown DEFINE-POLICY option: ~A" item))))))
    (flet ((maybe (key value) (and value (list key value)))
           (maybe/quote (key value) (and value (list key `(quote ,value)))))
      `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
         (%define-policy ',name ',methods
                         ,@(maybe/quote :interface-package interface-package)
                         ,@(maybe :interface-method-template interface-method-template)
                         ,@(maybe/quote :internal-package internal-package)
                         ,@(maybe :internal-function-template internal-function-template))))))

或者,只需添加 :internal-function-template参数(例如 "~A" )到您的宏。


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