design-patterns - 存储库/模型中的业务逻辑好吗?

标签 design-patterns model domain-driven-design

如果您有一个业务规则,其中表中的前 30 个项目永远不会被用户(或 UI)看到,您是否应该将此过滤器放在存储库的 GetAll() 中?意思是,存储库是否会处理数据过滤、数据成型以像 ViewModel 或 Controller 一样交还给调用者?我听说模型应该很厚,而 Controller /虚拟机应该很轻。

我遇到的问题是另一个与我共享项目的开发人员使他的所有存储库(每个表一个)都使用相同的实现,该实现只是将 LinqToSql 类型的属性复制到域类型。除了通过提供的 Func 更新和删除或获取数据之外,存储库本身没有逻辑。

另一方面,我为每个表创建了一个存储库(从 T 的 IRepository 继承),并将特定逻辑放在我认为需要逻辑来交回域对象的一些(不是全部)中。

所以在我的例子中,业务逻辑可以在存储库中完成,在他的例子中,它必须由用户完成,可以是服务或直接 ViewModel。哪个更受欢迎?


If you have a business rule where the first 30 items in table will never be seen by the user (or UI) should you put this filter in the Repository's GetAll()?

首先,这听起来不像是商业规则。业务规则用ubiquitous language表示除非您在数据库引擎上工作,否则这种语言没有像“表”这样的词。



// repository interface:
public interface Orders{ 
   IList<Order> GetDelinquent();


public SqlOrders : Orders{ 
   IList<Order> GetDelinquent(){
      // do whatever needs to be done to find
      // delinquent orders in sql database.
      // filter first 30 records for example

请注意,存储库界面使域成为焦点(我们不会说“除前 30 条记录外的所有记录”,我们说“拖欠”)。

The issue I'm running into is another developer who is sharing a project with me made all of his repositories (one per table) simply all use the same implementation that simply copies properties of a LinqToSql type to a domain type. There's no logic in the repository itself other than updating and deleting or getting data by a Func supplied.

I on the other hand created a repository (that inherited from IRepository of T) for each table and put specific logic in some (not all) where I felt logic was needed to hand back the domain objects.

通用存储库接口(interface)通常不是一个好主意,它过于以数据为中心,过于 CRUDy,请参阅 this answer获取详细信息和链接。

So in my case, business logic could be done in the repository, in his case it has to be done by the user which could be a service or the ViewModel directly. Which is more preferred?


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