azure - 如果我达到 Windows Azure 存储中的可扩展性目标,会发生什么情况?

标签 azure azure-storage

This post表示每个存储帐户每秒的 Blob 存储请求限制为 5000 个。

Transactions – Up to 5,000 entities/messages/blobs per second



请求失败并出现错误: (在页面中搜索“节流”)。

Throttling – These are requests that are being throttled due to the transaction rate going over the per partition target throughput described in the post “Windows Azure Storage Abstractions and their Scalability Targets”. These throttled requests are counted as billable transactions. When this occurs, the client is expected to use exponential backoff and retry the request, which is provided by default with the storage client library. If it is a reoccurring event for the service, then the service should consider additional partitioning of its data structures as described in the upcoming posts on Blobs, Tables and Queues.

您可能从 REST API 返回的错误代码如下: - 我无法立即看出哪一个将适用于限制上下文。

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