.net - F#实现接口(interface),多个参数,出现错误,此覆盖需要不同数量的

标签 .net visual-studio-2010 f# .net-3.5 .net-4.0

我在 F# 中定义了以下接口(interface)

type ICarRentalService =
    abstract member CalculatePrice: pickupDate:DateTime -> returnDate:DateTime -> pickupLocation:string -> vehiclePreference:string -> float

type CarRentalService() =
    interface ICarRentalService with
        override this.CalculatePrice(pickupDate:DateTime, returnDate:DateTime, pickupLocation:string, vehiclePreference:string) =

This override takes a different number of arguments to the corresponding abstract member



接口(interface)中的方法以 curried 形式声明,并且您的实现是元组的:

open System
type ICarRentalService =
    abstract member CalculatePrice: pickupDate:DateTime -> returnDate:DateTime -> pickupLocation:string -> vehiclePreference:string -> float

let x : ICarRentalService = failwith "not implemented"
let a = x.CalculatePrice // DateTime -> DateTime -> string -> string -> float
let y = a (DateTime.Now) // DateTime -> string -> string -> float (first argument is bound)

要修复代码,您需要使实现柯里化(Currying)或声明 - 元组。 Curried 版本不适用于 WCF,因此请考虑使用元组版本
type ICarRentalService =
    abstract member CalculatePrice: pickupDate:DateTime * returnDate:DateTime * pickupLocation:string * vehiclePreference:string -> float

type CarRentalService() =
    interface ICarRentalService with
        override this.CalculatePrice(pickupDate:DateTime, returnDate:DateTime, pickupLocation:string, vehiclePreference:string) =

关于.net - F#实现接口(interface),多个参数,出现错误,此覆盖需要不同数量的,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4114435/


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