r - if 语句中的条件如何被强制为逻辑的?

标签 r

if 的文档说条件应该是(强调我的):

A length-one logical vector that is not NA. Conditions of length greater than one are currently accepted with a warning, but only the first element is used. An error is signalled instead when the environment variable _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_ is set to true. Other types are coerced to logical if possible, ignoring any class.


例如,表达式 list(1)可以显式强制为 TRUEas.logical ,并被隐式考虑 TRUE等式比较:
> as.logical(list(1))
[1] TRUE
> list(1) == TRUE
[1] TRUE

> if (list(1)) print("Passed test!")
Error in if (list(1)) print("Passed test!") : 
  argument is not interpretable as logical


发生这种情况是因为 如果 在 R 中使用主要对象类,在您的示例中,主要对象是列表而不是它们的内容,当您使用 as.logical 时,内部值被转换为逻辑返回数组。

a = list(x = 1, y = 0)
as.logical(a) # TRUE FALSE

if("true") "ok" # ok
if(-1) "ok" # ok

val = 1
class(val) = "test"
attr(a, "something") = 0

if(val) "ok" # ok


val = factor("TRUE", "FALSE")
as.numeric(val) # 1 (for TRUE), 2 (for FALSE)

关于r - if 语句中的条件如何被强制为逻辑的?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55110378/


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