r - ggplot2:如何强制地 block 太少的方面数量?

标签 r ggplot2 facet

为了为每个 ggplot 图绘制 9 个直方图,我使用了以下数据:

                               id               variable      value
1                     Segment III | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 5.600000
2                    Display size | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 6.500000
3              Voice/call quality | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 5.600000
4  Instant messaging availability | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 7.200000
5                   Media quality | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 6.100000
6          Ease of use for typing | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 5.700000
7        Speed in accessing email | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 6.400000
8                      Segment II | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 5.545455
9                 Value for money | RIM BlackBerry Pearl | 6.000000
10                    Segment III |       Palm Treo 700p | 4.320000
11                   Display size |       Palm Treo 700p | 6.500000
12             Voice/call quality |       Palm Treo 700p | 8.000000
13 Instant messaging availability |       Palm Treo 700p | 5.100000
14                  Media quality |       Palm Treo 700p | 7.000000
15         Ease of use for typing |       Palm Treo 700p | 6.200000
16       Speed in accessing email |       Palm Treo 700p | 6.500000
17                     Segment II |       Palm Treo 700p | 4.454545
18                Value for money |       Palm Treo 700p | 5.400000
19                    Segment III |           Motorola Q | 4.680000
20                   Display size |           Motorola Q | 7.400000
21             Voice/call quality |           Motorola Q | 4.800000
22 Instant messaging availability |           Motorola Q | 5.300000
23                  Media quality |           Motorola Q | 6.900000
24         Ease of use for typing |           Motorola Q | 7.400000
25       Speed in accessing email |           Motorola Q | 8.000000
26                     Segment II |           Motorola Q | 3.121212
27                Value for money |           Motorola Q | 4.200000
28                    Segment III |           Nokia 9300 | 4.360000
29                   Display size |           Nokia 9300 | 6.400000
30             Voice/call quality |           Nokia 9300 | 7.800000
31 Instant messaging availability |           Nokia 9300 | 6.700000
32                  Media quality |           Nokia 9300 | 5.900000
33         Ease of use for typing |           Nokia 9300 | 4.500000
34       Speed in accessing email |           Nokia 9300 | 6.300000
35                     Segment II |           Nokia 9300 | 7.181818
36                Value for money |           Nokia 9300 | 4.600000
37                    Segment III |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 4.360000
38                   Display size |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 7.300000
39             Voice/call quality |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 8.000000
40 Instant messaging availability |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 1.500000
41                  Media quality |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 7.800000
42         Ease of use for typing |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 5.000000
43       Speed in accessing email |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 8.100000
44                     Segment II |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 3.606061
45                Value for money |  Sony Ericsson M600i | 4.000000
46                    Segment III |            Sidekick3 | 7.040000
47                   Display size |            Sidekick3 | 7.200000
48             Voice/call quality |            Sidekick3 | 6.300000
49 Instant messaging availability |            Sidekick3 | 7.200000
50                  Media quality |            Sidekick3 | 6.400000
51         Ease of use for typing |            Sidekick3 | 6.800000
52       Speed in accessing email |            Sidekick3 | 6.200000
53                     Segment II |            Sidekick3 | 3.424242
54                Value for money |            Sidekick3 | 5.300000

ggplot(data = data_sub, aes(x = variable, y = value)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  facet_wrap(~id, ncol = 3) +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid   = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none")




enter image description here



一、使用内置的mtcars数据框,我们将 faceting 变量设置为 9 个级别的因子,但任何数据只有 5 个级别:


d = mtcars
d$cyl = sample(1:9, nrow(d), replace=TRUE)
d$cyl <- factor(d$cyl, levels=sort(unique(d$cyl)))
d <- subset(d, cyl %in% c(1,5,7:9))

# Identify factor levels without any data
blanks = which(table(d$cyl)==0)

# Initialize a list
pl = list()

下面的 for 循环遍历 faceting 变量的每个级别,并创建一个级别的图有数据或 nullGrob (即,如果有该因子水平的数据,绘图将是一个空占位符)并将其添加到列表 pl .
for (i in 1:length(levels(d$cyl))) {

  if(i %in% blanks) {

    pl[[i]] = nullGrob()

  } else {

    pl[[i]] = ggplot(d[d$cyl %in% levels(d$cyl)[i], ], aes(x=am, y=wt) ) +
      geom_point() +
      facet_grid(.~ cyl)


do.call(grid.arrange, c(pl, ncol=3))
grid.rect(.5, .5, gp=gpar(lwd=2, fill=NA, col="black"))

enter image description here

更新:我想添加到我的答案中的一个功能是删除不在最左列或底行上的图的轴标签(更像是 OP 中的格式)。以下是我不太成功的尝试。

当您从某些绘图中删除轴刻度和/或标签时出现的问题是绘图区域最终在不同的绘图中具有不同的大小。这样做的原因是所有地 block 都占据了相同的物理区域,但是带有轴标签的地 block 使用该区域的一部分作为轴标签,使得它们的绘图区域相对于没有轴标签的地 block 更小。

我曾希望我可以使用 plot_grid 解决这个问题来自 cowplot包(由@ClausWilke 创作),但plot_grid不适用于 nullGrob s。然后@baptiste 为这个问题添加了另一个答案,他已将其删除,但对于信誉至少为 10,000 的 SO 用户仍然可见。这个答案让我意识到他的egg包和 set_panel_size函数,用于在不同的 ggplots 中设置一个共同的面板大小。

以下是我尝试使用 set_panel_size来解决地 block 面积问题。它不是很成功,我将在展示代码和情节后更详细地讨论。
# devtools::install_github("baptiste/egg")

# Fake data for making a barplot. Once again we have 9 facet levels, 
# but with data for only 5 of the levels.
d = data.frame(facet=rep(LETTERS[1:9],each=100), 
d <- subset(d, facet %in% LETTERS[c(1,5,7:9)])

# Identify factor levels without any data
blanks = which(table(d$facet)==0)

# Initialize a list
pl = list()

for (i in 1:length(levels(d$facet))) {

  if(i %in% blanks) {

    pl[[i]] = nullGrob()

  } else {

    # Create the plot, including a common y-range across all plots
    # (though this becomes the x-range due to coord_flip)
    pl[[i]] = ggplot(d[d$facet %in% levels(d$facet)[i], ], aes(x=group) ) +
      geom_bar() +
      facet_grid(. ~ facet) +
      coord_flip() +
      labs(x="", y="") +
      scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, max(table(d$group, d$facet)))) 

    # If the panel isn't on the left edge, remove y-axis labels
    if(!(i %in% seq(1,9,3))) {
      pl[[i]] = pl[[i]] + theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(),

    # If the panel isn't on the bottom, remove x-axis labels
    if(i %in% 1:6) {
      pl[[i]] = pl[[i]] + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(),

  # If the panel is a plot (rather than a nullGrob), 
  # remove margins and set to common panel size
  if(any(class(pl[[i]]) %in% c("ggplot","gtable"))) {
    pl[[i]] = pl[[i]] + theme(plot.margin=unit(rep(-1,4), "lines"))
    pl[[i]] = set_panel_size(pl[[i]], width=unit(4,"cm"), height=unit(3,"cm"))


do.call(grid.arrange, c(pl, ncol=3))
grid.rect(.5, .5, gp=gpar(lwd=2, fill=NA, col="black"))

正如您在下图中看到的那样,即使这些图都具有相同的面板尺寸,它们之间的边距也不是恒定的,可能是由于 grid.arrange 的方式处理空 grobs 的间距,具体取决于哪些位置具有实际绘图。另外,因为 set_panel_size设置绝对大小,我必须手动调整最终图的大小,以使面板尽可能靠近在一起,同时仍然避免重叠。我希望 SO 的一位居民 grid专家们会过来并提出更有效的方法。

(另请注意,使用这种方法,您最终可能会在给定的行或列中没有标记图。在下面的示例中,图“E”没有 y 轴标签并且图“D”丢失,所以你必须在不同的行中查看标签是什么。如果只有地 block “B”、“C”、“E”和“F”存在,布局中不会有任何带标签的地 block 。我不知道如何OP想要处理这种情况(如果给定的行或列没有“外部”图,一个选项是添加逻辑以在“内部”图上保留标签),但我认为值得指出。)

enter image description here

关于r - ggplot2:如何强制地 block 太少的方面数量?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36358424/



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