language-agnostic - 被误解的好主意

标签 language-agnostic



I'm sure that distributed source control is sufficiently counterintuitive that people try to establish conventions that defeat the point of distributed source control.

示例 2:

it's very natural to think that when you're writing some code, you should handle all errors that could possibly arrise. But a function doesn't always have enough information to handle the error properly, so all it can do is somehow tell whoever called it that the error occured. Passing errors up the call stack by hand is tedious, so exceptions were invented. With no extra typing on the part of the programmer, exceptions will bubble up the call stack until somebody can do something with them. It seems like checked exceptions, at least in practice, tarnish the awesomeness of exceptions. At best, the programmer has to tediously work her way up any possible call stack, specifying that every method throws a given exception up to the point where it can be handled (if it can be handled). Worse, she might swallow the exception to avoid the chore!




嗯……让我想想……Web 工作的基础是什么——无状态 HTTP,许多有状态框架(ASP.NET、JSF 等)都建立在无状态 HTTP 上,完全抛弃了无状态的性质协议(protocol)?好吧,不是在他们的实现中丢弃它,而是为他们的用户丢弃它 - 甚至对基本 Web 元素一无所知的开发人员试图将数兆字节的序列化对象打包到页面中,这会导致性能损失以及流量和服务器资源的巨大消耗。


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