winforms - 桌面版 Serilog GUI

标签 winforms logging wpf-controls desktop-application serilog

Serilog 是一个日志库,它具有许多日志查看/分析服务(如 Glimpse 或 Loggly)的接收器(适配器)。这很酷,但它们都需要浏览器才能查看日志。
是否有适用于 serilog 的日志条目的桌面应用程序(使用 winforms、WPF 等)的现成 GUI 控件?
附言我们可以使用 IObservable serilog Sink 并创建我们自己的“LogGrid”,但我们不希望重新发明自行车。


这取决于您从 Serilog 记录消息的位置。您可以登录到许多“接收器”,因此大多数 GUI 工具将取决于您使用的接收器。 Serilog 提供的接收器列表在这里:
如果您使用一些基于文件的接收器,那么您可以使用此处提供的 Microsoft Log Parser:

Log Parser 2.2 is a powerful, versatile tool that provides universal query access to text-based data such as log files, XML files and CSV files, as well as key data sources on the Windows operating system such as the Event Log, the Registry, the file system, and Active Directory.

日志解析器蜥蜴 GUI
如果您想要一个 Shiny 的 UI 来使用日志解析器搜索日志文件,请在此处查看 Log Parser Lizard GUI:

Log Parser Lizard is a GUI for Microsoft Logparser, definitely the best one available on the market today. Log Parser is a very powerful and versatile query software tool that provides universal query access (using SQL) to text-based data, such as log files, XML files, and TSV/CSV text files, as well as key data sources on the Microsoft Windows operating system, such as the Windows Event Log, IIS log, the registry, the File System, the Active Directory services and much more.

这不符合您的“非基于浏览器的 UI”要求,但是 Seq 在提供基于 Web 的界面来搜索和分析日志方面做得很好,并内置了对 Serilog 的支持。可在此处获得:

Seq is the easiest way for .NET developers to capture, search and integrate structured log events. Compared with traditional plain-text logs, structured logs cut through the complexity of distributed and asynchronous applications.

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