堆栈 - 为什么是 PUSH 和 POP?

标签 stack


我唯一的建议是类似于 spring-loaded magazine for a handgun ,其中回合被“插入”并可以“弹出”,但这似乎不太可能。

第二个堆栈小问题:为什么大多数 CPU 实现调用堆栈随着增长向下在内存中,而不是向上?





A frequently used metaphor is the idea of a stack of plates in a spring loaded cafeteria stack. In such a stack, only the top plate is visible and accessible to the user, all other plates remain hidden. As new plates are added, each new plate becomes the top of the stack, hiding each plate below, pushing the stack of plates down. As the top plate is removed from the stack, they can be used, the plates pop back up, and the second plate becomes the top of the stack. Two important principles are illustrated by this metaphor: the Last In First Out principle is one; the second is that the contents of the stack are hidden. Only the top plate is visible, so to see what is on the third plate, the first and second plates will have to be removed. This can also be written as FILO-First In Last Out, i.e. the record inserted first will be popped out at last.

关于堆栈 - 为什么是 PUSH 和 POP?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/420315/


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