model-view-controller - MVC 模式中的 Controller 和 MVP 模式中的演示者有什么区别?

标签 model-view-controller design-patterns mvp

MVC 模式中的 Controller 和 MVP 模式中的演示者有什么区别?您能否提供链接以了解它们的优点和使用场景?


In MVP the Presenter assumes the functionality of the "middle-man" (played by the Application Controller in MVC). Additionally, the View is responsible for handling the UI events (like mouseDown, keyDown, etc), which used to be the Controller's job. Eventually, the Model becomes strictly a Domain Model.

Wikipedia .
这是一个 more detailed explanation on the differences between the two .
另见 Martin Fowler 的 Retirement note for Model View Presenter .

关于model-view-controller - MVC 模式中的 Controller 和 MVP 模式中的演示者有什么区别?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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