Unity3D 游戏内上下文菜单 - 奇怪的行为

标签 unity3d


首先,我正在尝试设计一些不错的游戏内上下文菜单。我的目标是动态生成每个项目。每个项目都从存储 Action 的字典中加载。从每个游戏对象的最多 3 个组件访问字典,并附加一个 GamePiece 组件。

首先,有一个字典,其中包含作为每种类型 GamePiece 的组件的 Actions:

public class GamePiece : MonoBehaviour {

    protected bool rightClickable = true;

    protected StatManager statManager;
    Transform ui;
    CanvasManager canvas;
    SpriteRenderer sprite;
    Color spriteColor;

    public Dictionary<string, Action> actions;

    void Awake(){
        statManager = GameObject.Find("StatPanel").GetComponent<StatManager>();
        actions = new Dictionary<string, Action>();
        actions.Add("Deconstruct", Deconstruct);

问题是无论我如何填充字典,都会调用最后添加的字典项。因此,如果我要添加一个“Destroy()”调用和一个“SupplyPower()”调用。字典永远只会称呼“Supply Power”。这特别奇怪,因为菜单本身显示的是正确的按钮。

我怀疑问题出在我在同一个游戏对象上添加来自其他组件的字典项。例如,GamePiece 组件保存字典并添加一些基本操作,然后 Generator 组件将访问它并添加对其自己的 SupplyPower() 方法的引用

public class Generator: MonoBehaviour {

    public Structure structure;

    void Start () {
        structure = gameObject.GetComponent<Structure>();
        structure.gamePiece.actions.Add("Supply Power", SupplyPower);


public class ContextMenu : MonoBehaviour {
    public Transform menuItem;

    //Takes a ref from the calling gameObject, t. And is called from CanvasManager.cs
    public void PopulateContextMenu(GameObject t)
        Transform selections = transform.FindChild("Selections").transform; //Parent for items.

        //gamePiece holds the dictionary.
        GamePiece gamePiece = t.GetComponent<GamePiece>();
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Action> kVp in gamePiece.actions)
            GameObject menuItem =
            menuItem.name = kVp.Key;
            menuItem.GetComponent<Text>().text = kVp.Key;

            //Adding functuionality.
              (() => { kVp.Value.Invoke(); });

              (() => { CloseContextMenu(); });

            menuItem.transform.SetParent(selections, false);

    public void CloseContextMenu()

从 CanvasManager 类调用 PopulateContextMenu 函数:

public class CanvasManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public void ToggleContextMenu(GameObject t) {
        GameObject newMenu = (GameObject)Resources.Load("ContextMenu");
            newMenu = Instantiate(newMenu) as GameObject;
            //Passing gameObject t into PopulatContextMenu


这里,ToggleContextMenu() 是从 gameObjects OnMouseOver() 回调中调用的:

public class GamePiece : MonoBehaviour {

    void OnMouseOver(){
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && rightClickable) {

因此,当它被调用时,它会将对自身的引用传递给 CanvasManager,然后从 ContextMenu 移交。




Action newAction =kVp.Value;
menuItem.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => {newAction.Invoke();});

关于Unity3D 游戏内上下文菜单 - 奇怪的行为,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36338477/


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