grails-app/utils 目录

标签 grails

我刚刚注意到 grails-app/utils 的存在目录我从未在任何文档(或在项目中使用)中看到它被提及。它是在您运行 create-app 时默认创建的,知道你应该在那里放什么吗?

“实用程序”代码是一个明显的猜测,但似乎应该在 src 下。目录



grails-app/utils/目录是诸如 Codecs 之类的项目所在的位置走。


编辑:grails-app/utils/目录用于“Grails 特定实用程序”( ArtefactsGrailsClasses 等)

Jeff Brown( Core member of the Grails development team ) 回复了 question on the mailing list这证实了这一点。他说:

You can put just about anything you like in the utils directory but it is really for Grails specific utilities. At the moment I think the only thing really targeted at this directory are custom codecs. Your application classes that are not Grails artifacts should go under src/groovy/

您可以在 Constriants plugin 中找到一个新的 Grails Artefact 示例。 .本插件作者推荐用户put their Constraint classes in the grails-app/utils/ directory .

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