grails - 从数据库中加载Grails的选择框使其成为多选

标签 grails

我正在尝试制作一个自定义编辑页面。我获取对象ID并创建该对象的实例。但是,当我尝试为选择框指定一个值时,该框将呈现为多选。我需要它默认为基于子项的选择,但只能是单选。我已经尝试过multiple =“false”,但是我的程序只是忽略了它。


这是算法和我的 Action :

def updateSample = {

    def sid = // get the id of the sample object
    def sampleInstance = Sample.get(sid)// creates instance
    def children = sampleInstance?.sampleParameters

    /* ------ gets a list of unique parameter names ------*/
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<SampleParameter>> oldMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<SampleParameter>>(); // for single parameter options
    HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ArrayList<SampleParameter>>> map = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ArrayList<SampleParameter>>>(); // for multiple parameter options
    for (def result : SampleType.get( {it.value}) { // only iterate over assigned sample paramters
        if (result.information != null) { // we are working with 3 parameters 
            if (!map.containsKey( { // if map does not already contain the key
                map.put(, new HashMap<String, ArrayList<SampleParameter>>()); //add the name and a map to hold the values from the table's information column
            if (!map.get( {
                map.get(, new ArrayList<SampleParameter>());
        } else {// otherwise we are only working with two parameters
            if (!oldMap.containsKey( { // if the name does not already exist in oldMap, add it
                oldMap.put(, new ArrayList<SampleParameter>()); // holds values
            oldMap.get(; //adds value to the list

    /* invokes template and passes a map to be rendered inside of  <div id="parameter"> in sample.gsp */
    render(template:'updatesample' , model:[sid:sid,sampleInstance:sampleInstance,children:children,
            oldMap:oldMap, map:map])



 <g:each in="${oldMap?.sort()}"> 
      <td align="right" valign="top"><b>${it.getKey()}:</b></td> 
      <td><g:select optionKey="id" optionValue="value" name="sampleParameters" id="parameter" value="${sampleInstance?.sampleParameters}" from='${it.getValue()}' /></td>
  <g:each var="valueMap" in="${map?.sort()}"> 
    <tr><td align="right" valign="top"><b>${valueMap.getKey()}:</b></td></tr>
      <g:each var="infoMap" in="${valueMap?.getValue()?.sort()}">
          <td align="right" valign="top">${infoMap.getKey()}:</td>
          <td><g:select multiple ="false" noSelection="${['':'Select One...']}"optionKey="id" optionValue="information" name="sampleParameters" id="parameter" value="${sampleInstance?.sampleParameters}" from="${infoMap?.getValue()?.sort(){it.information}}" /></td>



设置multiple="false"将无济于事,因为Grails仅允许该属性直接通过,因此您获得了<select multiple="false" ...>标记,仅该属性的存在可能会导致浏览器将其呈现为多选。


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