SASS 和数据属性选择和嵌套

标签 sass



[data-product] {
  color: #000;
  &[="red"] {   // <- this line
    color: #f00;


在 Sass 3.4 之前,这是根本不可能的。这里的破坏性功能是将当前选择器存储到变量中的能力以及分割字符串的能力(尽管后者可以通过 SassScript 函数创建)。

@mixin append-attr($x) {
    $sel: &;
    $collector: ();

    @for $i from 1 through length($sel) {
        $s: nth($sel, $i);
        $last: nth($s, -1);
        @if str-slice($last, -1) == "]" {
            // if is just the bare attribute with no value, $offset will be -1, otherwise it will be -2
            $offset: -1;
            $current-x: $x;

            @if str-slice($last, -2) == '"]' {
                // this attribute already has a value, so we need to adjust the offset
                $offset: -2;
            } @else {
                // no attribute value, so add the equals and quotes
                $current-x: '="' + $x + '"';
            $last: str-slice($last, 1, $offset - 1) + $current-x + str-slice($last, $offset);
            $collector: append($collector, set-nth($s, -1, $last), comma);
        } @else {
            // following line will append $x to your non-attribute selector
            $collector: append($collector, selector-append($s, $x), comma);
            // the following line will not change your non-attribute selector at all
            //$collector: append($collector, $s, comma);

    @at-root #{$collector} {


[data-product] {
    color: white;

    @include append-attr("red") {
        color: red;

        @include append-attr('-green') {
            color: green;

[one], [two] {
    color: orange;

    @include append-attr('alpha') {
        color: yellow;

[test], .test {
    @include append-attr('-one') {
        color: red;

.bar input[min] {
    @include append-attr('5') {
        background: yellow;


[data-product] {
  color: white;
[data-product="red"] {
  color: red;
[data-product="red-green"] {
  color: green;

[one], [two] {
  color: orange;
[one="alpha"], [two="alpha"] {
  color: yellow;

[test="-one"], .test-one {
  color: red;

.bar input[min="5"] {
  background: yellow;

相关:Modifying the middle of a selector in Sass (adding/removing classes, etc.)

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