haskell - 将类型级别自然数转换为常规数

标签 haskell types


data DotP (n::Nat) = DotP [Int]
    deriving Show

现在,我可以为点积的每个单独大小创建一个幺半群实例(其中 mappend 是实际的点积),如下所示:

instance Monoid (DotP 0) where
    mempty                      = DotP $ replicate 0 0
    mappend (DotP xs) (DotP ys) = DotP $ zipWith (*) xs ys

instance Monoid (DotP 1) where
    mempty                      = DotP $ replicate 1 0
    mappend (DotP xs) (DotP ys) = DotP $ zipWith (*) xs ys

instance Monoid (DotP 2) where
    mempty                      = DotP $ replicate 2 0
    mappend (DotP xs) (DotP ys) = DotP $ zipWith (*) xs ys


instance Monoid (DotP n) where
    mempty                      = DotP $ replicate n 0
    mappend (DotP xs) (DotP ys) = DotP $ zipWith (*) xs ys

我不确定如何将类型的数字转换为可以在 mempty 函数内使用的常规数字。


编辑:如果有一个函数 dotplength::(DotP n) -> n 可以在 O(1) 时间内运行,只需查找它是什么类型,而不是必须遍历整个列表。



fromSing (sing :: Sing n) :: Integer


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Data.Monoid
import GHC.TypeLits

data DotP (n :: Nat) = DotP [Int]
    deriving Show

instance SingI n => Monoid (DotP n) where
    mempty = DotP $ replicate (fromInteger k) 0
      where k = fromSing (sing :: Sing n)

    mappend (DotP xs) (DotP ys) = DotP $ zipWith (*) xs ys

dotplength :: forall n. SingI n => DotP n -> Integer
dotplength _ = fromSing (sing :: Sing n)

关于haskell - 将类型级别自然数转换为常规数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12924782/


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