ddply 内的 R ttest 给出错误 "grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels"

标签 r plyr


freq sampleID status score snpsincluded
0.5 0001 case 100 all 
0.2 0001 case 30 all 
0.5 0002 control 110 all 
0.5 0003 case 100 del 

我想做一个 t.test,比较每组相关因素的病例和对照。我已经尝试过以下方法:

o2 <- ddply(df, c("freq","snpsincluded"), summarise, pval=t.test(score, status)$p.value)

但它提示“分组因子必须恰好有 2 个级别”


[1] "case"    "control"

我错过了一些愚蠢的事情吗? 谢谢!



这会重现错误,所有分数的状态都是唯一的(等于 1)。

dx = read.table(text='   score status
1 1 1 
2 2 1 
3 3 1 ')

t.test(score ~ status, data = dx) 
Error in t.test.formula(score ~ status, data = dx) : 
  grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels

这解决了问题,但使用 t.test 创建了另一个已知问题,您应该有足够的观察结果(我认为 >= 2):

dx = read.table(text='   score status
1 1 1 
2 2 1 
3 3 2 ')

t.test(score ~ status, data = dx) 
Error in t.test.default(x = 1:2, y = 3L) : not enough 'y' observations


dx = read.table(text='   score status
1 1 1 
2 2 1 
3 3 2 
4 4 2')

t.test(score ~ status, data = dx) 

Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  score by status
t = -2.8284, df = 2, p-value = 0.1056
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -5.042435  1.042435
sample estimates:
mean in group 1 mean in group 2 
            1.5             3.5 



  ddply(df, c("freq","snpsincluded"), function(x)

关于ddply 内的 R ttest 给出错误 "grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21148658/


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