c# - 如何确保字符串中的任何位置不超过一个空格?

标签 c# string whitespace removing-whitespace

我将一个字符串作为输入,由于稍后进行一些处理,该字符串在字符串中的任何位置都不包含 2 个或更多连续的空白,这一点至关重要。


string foo = "I am OK" is a valid string
string foo = " I am OK " is a valid string
string foo = "  I am OK" is NOT a valid string due to the initial double white space
string foo = "I am OK  " is NOT a valid string due to the trailing double whitespaces
string foo = " I am  OK " is NOT a valid string since it has 2 whitespaces between am and OK


string normalizedQuery = apiInputObject.Query.Replace(" ", "");




您可以尝试使用正则表达式模式@"^(?!.*[ ]{2}).*$":

Match result = Regex.Match("One space", @"^(?!.*[ ]{2}).*$");
if (result.Success) {
    Console.WriteLine("ONLY ONE SPACE OR LESS");

关于c# - 如何确保字符串中的任何位置不超过一个空格?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56845167/


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