math - Haskell 浮点错误

标签 math haskell pattern-matching complex-numbers

所以我已经完成了在 haskell 中创建自己的复数数据类型。




Main> solve (Q 1 2 1)

Main> solve (Q 1 2 0)

Main> solve (Q 1 2 2)
Program error: pattern match failure: v1618_v1655 (C -1.#IND -1.#IND)





-- A complex number z = (re +im.i) is represented as a pair of Floats

data Complex = C {
re :: Float,
im :: Float
} deriving Eq

-- Display complex numbers in the normal way

instance Show Complex where
    show (C r i)
        | i == 0            = show r
        | r == 0            = show i++"i"
        | r < 0 && i < 0    = show r ++ " - "++ show (C 0 (i*(-1)))
        | r < 0 && i > 0    = show r ++ " + "++ show (C 0 i)
        | r > 0 && i < 0    = show r ++ " - "++ show (C 0 (i*(-1)))
        | r > 0 && i > 0    = show r ++ " + "++ show (C 0 i)

-- Define algebraic operations on complex numbers
instance Num Complex where
    fromInteger n       = C (fromInteger n) 0 -- tech reasons
    (C a b) + (C x y)   = C (a+x) (b+y)
    (C a b) * (C x y)   = C (a*x - b*y) (b*x + b*y)
    negate (C a b)      = C (-a) (-b)

instance Fractional Complex where
    fromRational r      = C (fromRational r) 0 -- tech reasons
    recip (C a b)       = C (a/((a^2)+(b^2))) (b/((a^2)+(b^2)))

root :: Complex -> Complex
root (C x y)
    | y == 0 && x == 0  = C 0 0
    | y == 0 && x > 0   = C (sqrt ( ( x + sqrt ( (x^2) + 0 ) ) / 2 ) )  0
    | otherwise         = C (sqrt ( ( x + sqrt ( (x^2) + (y^2) ) ) / 2 ) ) ((y/(2*(sqrt ( ( x + sqrt ( (x^2) + (y^2) ) ) / 2 ) ) ) ) )

-- quadratic polynomial : a.x^2 + b.x + c
data Quad = Q {
    aCoeff, bCoeff, cCoeff :: Complex
} deriving Eq

instance Show Quad where
    show (Q a b c) = show a ++ "x^2 + " ++ show b ++ "x + " ++ show c

solve :: Quad -> (Complex, Complex)
solve (Q a b c) = ( sol (+), sol (-) )
  where sol op = (op (negate b) $ root $ b*b - 4*a*c) / (2 * a)



(C -1.#IND -1.#IND)

在这种情况下,您不能假设任何浮点比较都有效。这是 float 的定义。然后是你对 show 的定义

show (C r i)
    | i == 0                        = show r
    | r == 0                        = show i++"i"
    | r < 0 && i < 0        = show r ++ " - "++ show (C 0 (i*(-1)))
    | r < 0 && i > 0        = show r ++ " + "++ show (C 0 i)
    | r > 0 && i < 0        = show r ++ " - "++ show (C 0 (i*(-1)))
    | r > 0 && i > 0        = show r ++ " + "++ show (C 0 i)


    | otherwise = show r ++ "i" ++ show i"


b * b - 4 * a * c

使用 Q 1 2 2,您得到 -4,然后在根中,您陷入最后一种情况,在第二个方程中:

           /        _______
          /        / 2    2
         /   x + \/ x  + y
 2 * \  /   ----------------
      \/           2

-4 + sqrt( (-4) ^2) == 0,从那里开始,你就注定了,除以 0,后跟一个“NaN”(不是数字),搞砸其他一切

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