arrays - 尝试执行生成的子时 VBA 崩溃

标签 arrays vba excel multidimensional-array extensibility


我正在尝试在 VBA 中操作多维数组,在这种特定情况下,我必须向多维数组添加一个字符串,除了最后一个维度之外的所有维度都具有单个元素,例如 Arr(1 To 1, 1 To 1, 1 To 3)
由于 VBA 不允许访问任意等级数组的元素,我在运行时编写了一个 sub:

Public Sub AddItemToReducedArr(ByRef Arr() As String, Dimensions As Byte, _
    Item As String
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim i As Integer
Dim ArrElementS As String
Dim ArrElementR As String
    Set VBComp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("modCustomCode")
    With VBComp.CodeModule
        .DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines
        .InsertLines 1, _
            "Public Sub AddItemToReducedArrCode(ByRef Arr() As String, " & _
            "Dimensions As Byte, Item As String)"
        ArrElementS = _
            "Arr(" & Replace(String((Dimensions - 1), "*"), "*", "1, ") & _
            "*(Arr, " & Dimensions & "))"
        .InsertLines 2, "Debug.Print ""Enters Sub"""
        .InsertLines 3, "If LBound(Arr, " & Dimensions & ") = UBound(Arr, " & _
            Dimensions & ") And " & Replace(ArrElementS, "*", "UBound") & _
            " = """" Then"
        .InsertLines 4, Replace(ArrElementS, "*", "UBound") & " = Item"
        .InsertLines 5, "Else"
        ArrElementR = _
            "Arr(" & Replace(String((Dimensions - 1), "*"), "*", "1 To 1, ") & _
            "LBound(Arr, " & Dimensions & ") To UBound(Arr, " & Dimensions & ") + 1)"
        .InsertLines 6, "Redim Preserve " & ArrElementR
        .InsertLines 7, Replace(ArrElementS, "*", "UBound") & " = Item"
        .InsertLines 8, "End If"
        .InsertLines 9, "End Sub"
        Debug.Print "creates sub"
        'I also tried adding Sleep, many DoEvents here and saving, none worked
        AddItemToReducedArrCode Arr, Dimensions, Item
        Debug.Print "calls proper"
    End With
Set VBComp = Nothing
End Sub

在这个阶段,VBA 不允许单步执行代码,很少按预期执行,而且大多数情况下不会执行创建的子程序,有时还会出现崩溃。

除了将 VBA 用于此类任务之外,我还能做错什么?你认为我必须放弃并等到我有其他的发展选择(很长一段时间)还是我错过了一点?

您可以通过创建一个名为 modCustomCode 的模块来测试此代码。并使用以下测试:
Public Sub testASDF()
Dim Arr() As String
    ReDim Arr(1 To 1, 1 To 2)
    Arr(1, 1) = "a"
    Arr(1, 2) = "b"
    AddItemToReducedArr Arr, 2, "c"
    Debug.Print UBound(Arr, 2)
    Debug.Print Arr(1, UBound(Arr, 2))
End Sub



  Dim vdaA As Variant

  ReDim vdaA(1 To 2)
  vdaA(1) = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
  vdaA(2) = Array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
  Debug.Print vdaA(1)(0) & " " & vdaA(1)(1) & " " & vdaA(1)(2) & " " & vdaA(1)(3)
  Debug.Print vdaA(2)(0) & " " & vdaA(2)(1) & " " & vdaA(2)(2) & " " & _
              vdaA(2)(3) & " " & vdaA(2)(4) & " " & vdaA(2)(5)

1 2 3 4 
5 6 7 8 9 10

我已将 vdaA 声明为 Variant,然后使用 Redim将其转换为一维数组。如果你输入 ReDim vdaA(1)(0 to 3),你会得到一个语法错误。 .但是,您可以将 vdaA(1) 和 vdaA(2) 转换为不同大小的数组,如我所示。或者,您可以将 vdaA(1) 作为 Variant 和 ReDim 传递给子例程。它在那里。

我已将 vdaA 转换为锯齿状数组。如果您搜索“锯齿状阵列”,您可以获得对它们的更全面的描述,但我已经为您提供了足够的介绍来回答这个问题。

据我了解,您不需要不同的行来拥有不同的列数,但我相信您可以看到可用的灵 active 。您可以通过vdaA(1)向下到将其转换为数组的子例程。 vdaA(1)(1)然后可以传递下来进行转换。使用递归,您可以声明在运行时所需的任意多维的数组。其他递归例程可以定位特定条目并设置或获取值。


下面的代码使用了一种更简单的技术。它只处理常规数组,最多处理五个维度。 “五”是任意的,如果需要,代码可以很容易地调整到更大的限制。

在展示代码之前,我想讨论一下参数数组。过去我很惊讶有多少经验丰富的 VBA 程序员不知道参数数组或它们给你的灵 active 。对不起,如果我侮辱你的知识。

Sub MySub(ByRef A As Long, ByVal B As String, ParamArray Z() As Variant)

参数 A 和 B 是固定类型。我可以根据需要设置固定类型参数 C、D、E 等。我的最后一个参数是一个参数数组,这意味着我可以根据需要使用尽可能多的参数来跟踪 A 和 B 的值。以下是该例程的有效调用:
Call MySub(27, "A", 1, "X")
Call MySub(54, "B", 1, "X", 2, "Y")
Call MySub(54, "B", 1, "X", 2, "Y", 3, "Z")

在这些示例中,我对这些额外参数有一个模式。但是,VarType 允许我检查每个参数的类型,因此它们不必遵循简单的模式。

Sub VdaInit(ByRef Vda As Variant, ParamArray Bounds() As Variant)

Call VdaInit(vdaA, 1, 2)
Call VdaInit(vdaA, 1, 2, -1, 4)
Call VdaInit(VdaB, 1, 2, -1, 4, 10, 15)
Call VdaInit(vdaA, 1, 2, -1, 4, 10, 15, 5, 6)
Call VdaInit(VdaB, 1, 2, -1, 4, 10, 15, 5, 6, 0, 4)

ReDim vdaA(1 to 2)
ReDim vdaA(1 to 2, -1 to 4)
ReDim vdaA(1 to 2, -1 to 4, 10 to 15)
ReDim vdaA(1 to 2, -1 to 4, 10 to 15, 5 to 6)
ReDim vdaA(1 to 2, -1 to 4, 10 to 15, 5 to 6, 0 to 4)

Call VdaStoreValue(vdaA, DateSerial(2014, 1, 7), 2, 4, 15, 5)
Result = VdaGetValue(VdaB, 2, 4, 15, 5, 4)

Vda(2, 4, 15, 5) = DateSerial(2014, 1, 7)
Result = VdaB(2, 4, 15, 5, 4)


例如,VdaGetValue 背后的代码很简单:
  DimMax = NumDim(Vda)
  Select Case DimMax
    Case 1
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0))
    Case 2
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0), Indices(1))
    Case 3
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0), Indices(1), Indices(2))
    Case 4
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0), Indices(1), Indices(2), Indices(3))
    Case 5
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0), Indices(1), Indices(2), Indices(3), Indices(4))
  End Select

不优雅但非常简单,如有必要可扩展至 10 或 15 个维度。

Option Explicit
Sub Test()

  Dim vdaA As Variant
  Dim VdaB As Variant

'  ReDim vdaA(1 To 2)
'  vdaA(1) = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
'  vdaA(2) = Array(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
'  Debug.Print vdaA(1)(0) & " " & vdaA(1)(1) & " " & vdaA(1)(2) & " " & vdaA(1)(3)
'  Debug.Print vdaA(2)(0) & " " & vdaA(2)(1) & " " & vdaA(2)(2) & " " & _
'              vdaA(2)(3) & " " & vdaA(2)(4) & " " & vdaA(2)(5)

  Call VdaInit(vdaA, 1, 2)
  Debug.Print "VdaA" & VdaBoundList(vdaA)
  Call VdaInit(vdaA, 1, 2, -1, 4)
  Debug.Print "VdaA" & VdaBoundList(vdaA)
  Call VdaInit(VdaB, 1, 2, -1, 4, 10, 15)
  Debug.Print "VdaB" & VdaBoundList(VdaB)
  Call VdaInit(vdaA, 1, 2, -1, 4, 10, 15, 5, 6)
  Debug.Print "VdaA" & VdaBoundList(vdaA)
  Call VdaInit(VdaB, 1, 2, -1, 4, 10, 15, 5, 6, 0, 4)
  Debug.Print "VdaB" & VdaBoundList(VdaB)

  Call VdaStoreValue(vdaA, "A", 1, -1, 10, 5)
  Call VdaStoreValue(vdaA, 27, 1, -1, 10, 6)
  Call VdaStoreValue(vdaA, 5.3, 1, -1, 11, 5)
  Call VdaStoreValue(vdaA, DateSerial(2014, 1, 7), 2, 4, 15, 5)

  Call VdaStoreValue(VdaB, True, 1, -1, 10, 5, 0)
  Call VdaStoreValue(VdaB, "B", 1, -1, 10, 5, 1)
  Call VdaStoreValue(VdaB, False, 1, -1, 10, 5, 2)
  Call VdaStoreValue(VdaB, 1234, 2, 4, 15, 5, 4)

  Debug.Print "VdaA(1, -1, 10, 5) = " & VdaGetValue(vdaA, 1, -1, 10, 5)
  Debug.Print "VdaA(1, -1, 10, 6) = " & VdaGetValue(vdaA, 1, -1, 10, 6)
  Debug.Print "VdaA(1, -1, 11, 5) = " & VdaGetValue(vdaA, 1, -1, 11, 5)
  Debug.Print "VdaA(2, 4, 15, 5) = " & VdaGetValue(vdaA, 2, 4, 15, 5)

  Debug.Print "VdaB(1, -1, 10, 5,0) = " & VdaGetValue(VdaB, 1, -1, 10, 5, 0)
  Debug.Print "VdaB(1, -1, 10, 5,1) = " & VdaGetValue(VdaB, 1, -1, 10, 5, 1)
  Debug.Print "VdaB(1, -1, 10, 5,2) = " & VdaGetValue(VdaB, 1, -1, 10, 5, 2)
  Debug.Print "VdaB(2, 4, 15, 5, 4) = " & VdaGetValue(VdaB, 2, 4, 15, 5, 4)

End Sub
Sub VdaInit(ByRef Vda As Variant, ParamArray Bounds() As Variant)

  ' Vda:     A variant which is to be converted to a multi-dimensional array.
  ' Bounds:  One or more pairs of bounds for the dimensions.  The number of pairs
  '          defines the number of dimensions.  For each pair, the first value is
  '          the lower bound and the second is the upper bound.

  ' This routine creates dimension 1 and calls VdaInitSub to create
  ' further dimensions

  ' I use Debug.Assert because I am testing for errors that only the programmer
  ' should see.
  Debug.Assert UBound(Bounds) >= 1       ' Need at least one pair of bounds
  Debug.Assert UBound(Bounds) Mod 2 = 1  ' Need even number of bounds
  ' I do not check that the bounds are valid integers

  Select Case UBound(Bounds)
    Case 1
      ReDim Vda(Bounds(0) To Bounds(1))
    Case 3
      ReDim Vda(Bounds(0) To Bounds(1), Bounds(2) To Bounds(3))
    Case 5
      ReDim Vda(Bounds(0) To Bounds(1), Bounds(2) To Bounds(3), _
                Bounds(4) To Bounds(5))
    Case 7
      ReDim Vda(Bounds(0) To Bounds(1), Bounds(2) To Bounds(3), _
                Bounds(4) To Bounds(5), Bounds(6) To Bounds(7))
    Case 9
      ReDim Vda(Bounds(0) To Bounds(1), Bounds(2) To Bounds(3), _
                Bounds(4) To Bounds(5), Bounds(6) To Bounds(7), _
                Bounds(8) To Bounds(9))
  End Select

End Sub
Function VdaBoundList(ByVal Vda As Variant) As String

  ' Vda: A variant which has been converted to a multi-dimensional array.

  ' Returns a string of the format: "(L1 to U1, L2 to U3 ... )
  ' which gives the dounds of each dimension

  Dim DimCrnt As Long
  Dim DimMax As Long

  DimMax = NumDim(Vda)

  VdaBoundList = "("
  For DimCrnt = 1 To DimMax
    VdaBoundList = VdaBoundList & LBound(Vda, DimCrnt) & " to " & UBound(Vda, DimCrnt)
    If DimCrnt < DimMax Then
      VdaBoundList = VdaBoundList & ", "
    End If
  VdaBoundList = VdaBoundList & ")"

End Function
Function VdaGetValue(ByRef Vda As Variant, ParamArray Indices() As Variant) As Variant

  ' Vda:     A variant which has been converted to a multi-dimensional array.
  ' Indices  The parameters are the indices of the entry within Vda from which the value is got.
  '          The number of indices must match the number of dimensions of Vda.

  ' Example: Result = VdaGetValue(XYZ, 1, 2, 3)
  '          is equivalent to Result = XYZ(1, 2, 3)
  '          providing XYZ has three dimensions and 1, 2 and 3 are within the
  '          bounds of their dimension

  Dim DimCrnt As Long
  Dim DimMax As Long

  DimMax = NumDim(Vda)

  Debug.Assert UBound(Indices) = DimMax - 1    ' Wrong number of parameters
  'For DimCrnt = 1 To DimMax
  '  Debug.Assert IsNumeric(indices(DimCrnt - 1)) ' Index must be numeric
  '  ' Index not within bounds
  '  Debug.Assert LBound(indices, DimCrnt - 1) <= indices(DimCrnt - 1) And _
  '               UBound(indices, DimCrnt - 1) >= indices(DimCrnt - 1)

  Select Case DimMax
    Case 1
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0))
    Case 2
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0), Indices(1))
    Case 3
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0), Indices(1), Indices(2))
    Case 4
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0), Indices(1), Indices(2), Indices(3))
    Case 5
      VdaGetValue = Vda(Indices(0), Indices(1), Indices(2), Indices(3), Indices(4))
  End Select

End Function
Sub VdaStoreValue(ByRef Vda As Variant, ParamArray ValAndIndices() As Variant)

  ' Vda:           A variant which has been converted to a multi-dimensional array.
  ' ValAndIndices  The first parameter is the value to be stored.  Since this is a
  '                Variant array it can be of any type.  The second and subsequent
  '                parameters are the indices of the entry within Vda into which
  '                the value is to be stored.  The number of indices must match the
  '                number of dimensions of Vda.

  ' Example: VdaStoreValue(XYZ, "Example", 1, 2, 3)
  '          is equivalent to XYZ(1, 2, 3) = "Example"
  '          providing XYZ has three dimensions and 1, 2 and 3 are within the
  '          bounds of their dimension

  Dim DimCrnt As Long
  Dim DimMax As Long

  DimMax = NumDim(Vda)

  Debug.Assert UBound(ValAndIndices) = DimMax    ' Wrong number of parameters
  ' I do not check the indices are numeric and within the appropriate bounds

  Select Case DimMax
    Case 1
      Vda(ValAndIndices(1)) = ValAndIndices(0)
    Case 2
      Vda(ValAndIndices(1), ValAndIndices(2)) = ValAndIndices(0)
    Case 3
      Vda(ValAndIndices(1), ValAndIndices(2), ValAndIndices(3)) = ValAndIndices(0)
    Case 4
      Vda(ValAndIndices(1), ValAndIndices(2), ValAndIndices(3), _
          ValAndIndices(4)) = ValAndIndices(0)
    Case 5
      Vda(ValAndIndices(1), ValAndIndices(2), ValAndIndices(3), _
          ValAndIndices(4), ValAndIndices(5)) = ValAndIndices(0)
  End Select

End Sub

Public Function NumDim(ParamArray TestArray() As Variant) As Integer

  ' Returns the number of dimensions of TestArray.

  ' If there is an official way of determining the number of dimensions, I cannot find it.

  ' This routine tests for dimension 1, 2, 3 and so on until it get a failure.
  ' By trapping that failure it can determine the last test that did not fail.

  ' Coded June 2010. Documentation added July 2010.

  ' *  TestArray() is a ParamArray because it allows the passing of arrays of any type.
  ' *  The array to be tested is not TestArray but TestArray(LBound(TestArray)).
  ' *  The routine does not validate that TestArray(LBound(TestArray)) is an array.  If
  '    it is not an array, the routine return 0.
  ' *  The routine does not check for more than one parameter.  If the call was
  '    NumDim(MyArray1, MyArray2), it would ignore MyArray2.

  Dim TestDim                   As Integer
  Dim TestResult                As Integer

  On Error GoTo Finish

  TestDim = 1
  Do While True
    TestResult = LBound(TestArray(LBound(TestArray)), TestDim)
    TestDim = TestDim + 1


  NumDim = TestDim - 1

End Function

编辑 新部分解释了参数数组的“问题”并给出了可能的解决方案。

假设我有三个例程 Main、SubA 和 SubB,SubA 和 SubB 都有名为“Param”的参数数组作为它们唯一的参数。进一步假设 SubA 将它从 Main 接收到的 Param Array 传递给 SubB。

在 Main 我有一个 SubA 的电话:
Call SubA("A", 1, #1/10/2014#, 2.45)

对于 SubA,Param 将有四个条目:
Param(0) = "A"
Param(1) = 1
Param(2) = #1/10/2014#, 2.45
Param(3) = 2.45

如果 SubA 然后调用 SubB:
Call SubB(Param)

那么 SubB 的 Param 将不会有四个条目。相反,它将有一个条目:
Param(0) = Array("A", 1, #1/10/2014#, 2.45)

我称之为嵌套。如果 SubB 只能由 SubA 调用,则可以对 SubB 进行编码以处理嵌套的 Param 数组。但是,如果 SubB 也可以由 Main 调用,它会变得有点困惑。如果您有带参数数组的 SubC 和 SubD 并且可以从他们的任何 parent 那里调用它们,它仍然会变得更加困惑。

Sub DeNestParamArray(RetnValue() As Variant, ParamArray Nested() As Variant)

  ' Coded Nov 2010

  ' Each time a ParamArray is passed to a sub-routine, it is nested in a one
  ' element Variant array.  This routine finds the bottom level of the nesting and
  ' sets RetnValue to the values in the original parameter array so that other routine
  ' need not be concerned with this complication.

  Dim NestedCrnt                As Variant
  Dim Inx                       As Integer

  NestedCrnt = Nested
  ' Find bottom level of nesting
  Do While True
    If VarType(NestedCrnt) < vbArray Then
      ' Have found a non-array element so must have reached the bottom level
      Debug.Assert False   ' Should have exited loop at previous level
      Exit Do
    End If
    If NumDim(NestedCrnt) = 1 Then
      If LBound(NestedCrnt) = UBound(NestedCrnt) Then
        ' This is a one element array
        If VarType(NestedCrnt(LBound(NestedCrnt))) < vbArray Then
          ' But it does not contain an array so the user only specified
          ' one value; a literal or a non-array variable
          ' This is a valid exit from this loop
            Exit Do
        End If
        NestedCrnt = NestedCrnt(LBound(NestedCrnt))
        ' This is a one-dimensional, non-nested array
        ' This is the usual exit from this loop
        Exit Do
      End If
      Debug.Assert False   ' This is an array but not a one-dimensional array
      Exit Do
    End If

  ' Have found bottom level array.  Save contents in Return array.
  ReDim RetnValue(LBound(NestedCrnt) To UBound(NestedCrnt))
  For Inx = LBound(NestedCrnt) To UBound(NestedCrnt)
    If VarType(NestedCrnt(Inx)) = vbObject Then
      Set RetnValue(Inx) = NestedCrnt(Inx)
      RetnValue(Inx) = NestedCrnt(Inx)
    End If

End Sub

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