excel - 在 VBA for Mac 中写入具有长名称的文件

标签 excel vba macos applescript

我有一个子例程,它在 VBA 中将文本写入 .txt 文件:

Sub WriteToFile(fileName as String, content as String)
  Open fileName For Output As #1
  Print #1, content
  Close #1
End Sub

这个子程序在 Windows 下运行良好。但是,我意识到在 Mac 下,对于任何超过 29 个字符的 targeFile,将在 Open fileName 行引发错误 Bad file name or number对于输出为 #1


其实这个问题很常见。例如,this link还提到 在 Mac 上使用 Dir 时存在长文件名问题,最大 27/28 个字符(不带扩展名)(扩展名是 32 个字符)。

看来 AppleScript 可能是解决这个问题的方法。但由于我正在寻找writing 而不是Dir 的解决方法,因此我还没有找到writing 的精确解决方案。



这是较早的已删除答案的更强大版本。与使用 do shell script 的已删除答案不同,此答案仅使用 AppleScript 命令字符串中的 AppleScript 功能,并且还正确地转义了嵌入命令字符串中的参数。

尝试以下 VBA 过程,它合成一个 AppleScript 命令字符串以写入文件并使用 MacScript 执行它。

' - Specify the output filename either as a mere filename -
'    in which case the file is created in the active workbook's folder -
'    or as a HFS path (with ':' as the path separator).
' - Note that line breaks in `content` are written as defined,
'    and that on a Mac `vbNewLine` is chr(13) (CR == \r) only.
'    If you want Unix-style LF (\n) line breaks instead, use chr(10) explicitly.
' Example:
'      WriteToFile "test.txt", "Hello, world." & Chr(10)
Sub WriteToFile(fileName As String, content As String)
    Dim filePath, filePathEscaped, contentEscaped, asCmd
    ' If the filename contains no path component, default to the active workbook's path.
    If InStr(fileName, ":") = 0 Then
        filePath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & ":" & fileName
        filePath = fileName
    End If
    ' In case the file path or input string contain double quotes, we must
    ' \-escape them for inclusing in the AppleScript command string first.
    filePathEscaped = Replace(filePath, """", "\""")
    contentEscaped = Replace(content, """", "\""")
    ' Synthesize the AppleScript command string.
    asCmd = _
       "set fRef to open for access """ & filePathEscaped & _
                                    """ with write permission" & Chr(13) & _
       "set eof fRef to 0" & Chr(13) & _
       "write """ & contentEscaped & """ to fRef" & Chr(13) & _
       "close access fRef"
    ' Execute the AppleScript command string.
    ' Any error will generically be reported as "Invalid procedure call or 
    ' argument", unfortunately.
    MacScript asCmd
End Sub

关于excel - 在 VBA for Mac 中写入具有长名称的文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23587418/


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