java - 检查类名不应包含特定文本

标签 java class object variables


public class University {
private List<Student> Students = null;
private List<Departments> department;
private CanteenName canteenName;
private LibraryName libraryName;

我必须编写一个逻辑,我需要检查此类中的每个变量,以及是否有像本例中那样的变量名称(CanteenName ,LibraryName)包含其中的文本“Name”,它应该检查它是否为空,它应该忽略其他变量。

我想过使用 getter 属性进行 null 检查,但是有没有任何动态方法,因为该类包含任意数量的变量,如 (CanteenName)。



public static void checkObjectFieldForNull(Object obj, String... fieldNames) throws Exception {
   if (obj == null) return;
   //get all the fields in the object
   for (Field f : obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
     f.setAccessible(true); //set the fields to be accessible
     for (String str : fieldNames) {
        //loop through the fieldNames and see if they are null
        if (f.getName().toLowerCase().contains(str.toLowerCase())) {
          Obj val = f.get(obj);
          //throw an exception if any of the required fields are null
          if (val == null) throw new Exception(f.getName() + " cannot be null");


public static void main(String[] args) {
   University u = new University();
   checkObjectFieldForNull(u, "name");

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