c++ - 我可以退回不同类型的模板化容器吗?

标签 c++ templates generic-programming template-templates


template <typename C, typename T0, typename T1>
typename C<T1> 
convert_container(const C<T0>& container, T1 value) {
  C<T1> new_container;
  // Do some stuff...
  return new_container;

std::vector<int> vec0;
const auto& vec1 = convert_container(vec0, float(2.0f)); // Produce a vector of floats

std::list<int> lst0;
const auto& lst1 = convert_container(lst0, float(2.0f)); // Produce a list of floats



  • C++11:

    template <template<typename...> class C, typename T0, typename T1>
    C<T1> convert_container(const C<T0>& container, T1 value) {
      C<T1> new_container;
      // Do some stuff...
      return new_container;
  • C++03(带分配器重新绑定(bind)):

    template <template<typename, typename> class C, typename T0, typename T1, typename Alloc>
    C<T1, typename Alloc::template rebind<T1>::other>
    convert_container(const C<T0, Alloc>& container, T1 value) {
      C<T1, typename Alloc::template rebind<T1>::other> new_container;
      // Do some stuff...
      return new_container;
  • C++03(无需重新绑定(bind)):

    template <template<typename, typename> class C, typename T0, typename T1, typename Alloc>
    C<T1, std::allocator<T1> > convert_container(const C<T0, Alloc>& container, T1 value) {
      C<T1, std::allocator<T1> > new_container;
      // Do some stuff...
      return new_container;

关于c++ - 我可以退回不同类型的模板化容器吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21782874/


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