java - 错误: no enclosing instance of type BPN is in scope {

标签 java

class BPN {
public class BackpropagationNet extends NeuralNet
    Vector neuronLayerVector;
    NeuronLayer[] neuronLayerArray;
    public BackpropagationNet()
        this.learningCycle = 0;
        this.maxLearningCycles = -1;
    //some functions
    void addNeuronLayer(int paramInt)
    {//....     }
    void connectLayers()

abstract class NeuralNet
    final int PATTERN_LENGTH = 100;
    final int PATTERN_VALUE = 101;
    final int PATTERNFILE_LENGTH = 102;
    final int GENERAL_IO = 104;

static BackpropagationNet bpn;  

public static void main ( String[] args ) {
   // some logic...
    bpn = new BackpropagationNet();

嗯,这是一个简短的程序,应该可以演示这个问题。 当我尝试编译时,我收到此错误: 范围内没有 BPN 类型的封闭实例{(第 9 行)



关于java - 错误: no enclosing instance of type BPN is in scope {,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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