Java Stream - 编译时错误 - 类型与 Map<Integer,List<String>> 不匹配 : cannot convert from Map<Object, Object>

标签 java java-8 stream java-stream collectors

我有一个简单的代码,我将自定义类对象的列表转换为 map >。 代码如下:

List<NPDto> appList = new ArrayList<NPDto>(); 
//list gets populated though some other method

//Here is conerting code where i get compile time error
final Map<Integer, List<String>> appMap =
                                                  np -> NumberUtils.toInt(np.getPId()),
                                                  np -> Arrays.asList(np.getAppsReceived().split(","))
// Here is my DTO                                              
public class NPDto {

    private String pId;
  private String appsReceived;

  public String getPId(){
    return pId;

  public void setPId(String pId){
    this.pId = pId;

  public String getAppsReceived(){
    return appsReceived;

  public void setAppsReceived(String appsReceived){
    this.appsReceived = appsReceived;


Type mismatch: cannot convert from Map<Object,Object> to Map<Integer,List<String>>

I am compiling with Java SE 8[1.8.0_91]



您需要稍作更改,因为 split 返回一个 String []

np -> Arrays.asList(np.getAppsReceived().split(","))

关于Java Stream - 编译时错误 - 类型与 Map<Integer,List<String>> 不匹配 : cannot convert from Map<Object, Object>,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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