jquery - 无法在成功或完成时删除父级 <li>,但可以在此之前

标签 jquery

这是我的 JQuery(来 self 之前的问题 Invoke ColdFusion method with on click in JQuery)

$("#FileUploader").on('click', '.DeleteFileUpload', function (e) {
    $(this).text('Deleting...'); // changes link text to say its deleting
            type: 'post',
            url: 'mycfc.cfc?method=deletefile',
            data: {
                Filename: $(this).attr('href') // name of file to delete is in the href 
            dataType: "json",
            beforeSend: function () {
                $('#loader').show(); // show a loading spinner
            success: function () {
            $('#loader').hide(); // on succcess hide the spinner
        $(this).closest('li').remove(); // should remove the closest li which displays the file name but this does not work
            complete: function () {
        $(this).parent('li').remove(); // should remove the parent li which displays the file name but this does not work
            error: function (result) {
                alert("An error has occured.");


所以我尝试删除最近的 li 和父 li (两者都应该做同样的事情),但都不起作用。但是如果我将这行代码放在 Ajax() 函数之前,那么它的工作原理如下:

$("#FileUploader").on('click', '.DeleteFileUpload', function (e) {
      $(this).parent('li').remove(); // this works and the li is removed!

谁能帮我解决为什么我无法删除成功/完成区域中的 li 吗?




$("#FileUploader").on('click', '.DeleteFileUpload', function (e) {
    var self = $(this);

    //......... later on inside the ajax call

    success: function () {
    complete: function () {

您还可以使用context ajax 选项。

    context: this,
    success: function () {
        complete: function () {

关于jquery - 无法在成功或完成时删除父级 <li>,但可以在此之前,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21075378/


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