iphone - 在iPhone应用程序中保留全局变量的最佳方式

标签 iphone objective-c global-variables

我是 iPhone 开发新手,所以想问一下,保留可由多个类访问的全局变量和常量的最佳方法是什么?






对于全局变量,您可以创建 singleton class带有静态变量。有很多宏可以为类合成单例。以下是来自 Mac 版 Google 工具箱的示例:

//  GTMObjectSingleton.h
//  Macro to implement methods for a singleton
//  Copyright 2005-2008 Google Inc.
//  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
//  use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
//  of the License at
//  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
//  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
//  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
//  the License.

#define _GTMDevAssert(condition, ...)                                       \
do {                                                                      \
if (!(condition)) {                                                     \
[[NSAssertionHandler currentHandler]                                  \
handleFailureInFunction:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__PRETTY_FUNCTION__] \
file:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__]  \
lineNumber:__LINE__                                  \
description:__VA_ARGS__];                             \
}                                                                       \
} while(0)

/// This macro implements the various methods needed to make a safe singleton.
/// This Singleton pattern was taken from:
/// http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaFundamentals/CocoaObjects/chapter_3_section_10.html
/// Sample usage:
/// GTMOBJECT_SINGLETON_BOILERPLATE(SomeUsefulManager, sharedSomeUsefulManager)
/// (with no trailing semicolon)
#define GTMOBJECT_SINGLETON_BOILERPLATE(_object_name_, _shared_obj_name_) \
static _object_name_ *z##_shared_obj_name_ = nil;  \
+ (_object_name_ *)_shared_obj_name_ {             \
@synchronized(self) {                            \
if (z##_shared_obj_name_ == nil) {             \
/* Note that 'self' may not be the same as _object_name_ */                               \
/* first assignment done in allocWithZone but we must reassign in case init fails */      \
z##_shared_obj_name_ = [[self alloc] init];                                               \
_GTMDevAssert((z##_shared_obj_name_ != nil), @"didn't catch singleton allocation");       \
}                                              \
}                                                \
return z##_shared_obj_name_;                     \
}                                                  \
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {               \
@synchronized(self) {                            \
if (z##_shared_obj_name_ == nil) {             \
z##_shared_obj_name_ = [super allocWithZone:zone]; \
return z##_shared_obj_name_;                 \
}                                              \
}                                                \
/* We can't return the shared instance, because it's been init'd */ \
_GTMDevAssert(NO, @"use the singleton API, not alloc+init");        \
return nil;                                      \
}                                                  \
- (id)retain {                                     \
return self;                                     \
}                                                  \
- (NSUInteger)retainCount {                        \
return NSUIntegerMax;                            \
}                                                  \
- (void)release {                                  \
}                                                  \
- (id)autorelease {                                \
return self;                                     \
}                                                  \
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {                \
return self;                                     \

关于iphone - 在iPhone应用程序中保留全局变量的最佳方式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3456981/


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