c++ - 微软示例的这个移动构造函数似乎有冗余代码

标签 c++ c++11 move-constructor

MSDN page对于开发人员有这个代码片段:

// Move constructor.  
MemoryBlock(MemoryBlock&& other) : _data(nullptr), _length(0)  
   std::cout << "In MemoryBlock(MemoryBlock&&). length = "   
             << other._length << ". Moving resource." << std::endl;  

   // Copy the data pointer and its length from source object.  
   _data = other._data;      // Assginment 1
   _length = other._length;  // Assignment 2

   // Release the data pointer from the source object so that  
   // the destructor does not free the memory multiple times.  
   other._data = nullptr;  
   other._length = 0;  

当标记为Assignment 1Assignment 2 的指令时,_data(nullptr)_length(0) 有什么用 覆盖_data_length 的值?



// Move constructor.  
MemoryBlock(MemoryBlock&& other) : _data(other._data), _length(other._length)
   std::cout << "In MemoryBlock(MemoryBlock&&). length = "   
             << other._length << ". Moving resource." << std::endl;  

   // Release the data pointer from the source object so that  
   // the destructor does not free the memory multiple times.  
   other._data = nullptr;  
   other._length = 0;  

关于c++ - 微软示例的这个移动构造函数似乎有冗余代码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47647811/


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